Deferred NEU, Waitlisted UNC, Accepted Tufts ED2 - KEEP THE FAITH!

UNC-CH was suppose to be a safety school. Jaw on ground when waitlisted. Deferred by NEU (like everyone else) Thought Duke was dream school. But after being deferred ED1, stayed in RD, not ED2 and reconsidered Duke. Been accepted to a few other “safeties” Today received ED2 acceptance from Tufts, which I believe is the ideal fit. So happy and relieved.
The college admissions experience has been challenging and I know my road has been shorter than many. Tufts is far more selective than UNC or NEU but I got in! Duke didn’t jump on the chance so I moved on and I’m glad I did.

I don’t have impossibly amazing grades, did not submit ACT or SAT. Not a legacy, full price. Have a few unique EC’s I just fell in live with Tufts. I think the essay made the difference. And showed a LOT of demonstrated interest. Send that LOCI to the school(s) you love but been waitlisted or deferred.

Hang in there to everyone who has had bad news or is struggling. It is all so unpredictable and hard to understand. I was planning to maybe start at a safety and transfer. Lots of options. I hope you all find your way and that you feel proud of yourselves for the work and time you’ve put into your applications while still being a senior and doing school work. Wishing everyone the best.


That is debatable for Northeastern. Both Northeastern and UNC likely thought the student would rather attend a different school, and that was the case.

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Kids from our non-North Carolina high school regularly attend Tufts but according to Scoir no student has been accepted to UNC CH for many years, including those with perfect test scores and grades. Also, 96,000 applicants this year for NU and 34,000 for Tufts. Both up considerably over the past few years.

Have fun at Tufts!

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Or quite possibly student didn’t have gpa and did not submit sat for nu or chapel hill. Going Ed gave the advantage for tufts admissions.

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ED would have given the student an advantage at Northeastern if it was her first or even second choice.


Not surprising at all. At need-aware school like Tufts, being full pay + any variation of ED is an significant advantage. If you are out of state, getting into UNC-CH is almost impossible without a hook and not ED. As far as NEU, also almost impossible if not an ED round with no hook and not ‘amazing grades’. In such an unpredictable process, it ended up just as many would have predicted absent any stats.

Speaking of, please share stats if you want informed feedback.


Sheesh I’m not looking for feedback, just trying to be helpful and positive. It stings getting waitlisted or deferred, especially when you’ve been assured you are a “shoe in”. Just trying to provide encouragement.

But good luck to all who are still going through this process.


Whoever assured you of that for those two schools clearly did not know what they were talking about. It would not have been anyone here on CC.


Congratulations on getting into Tufts. In my kids top ranked public northeast high school it’s much, much more difficult to get accepted to Tufts than NEU. It’s an impressive school and glad it worked out for you.


Congrats on your admission to Tufts! It is an amazing school! Glad this crazy process worked out for you. Enjoy your time at Tufts!


Congratulations! YOU made the right calls, and thank you for your update.