Deferred Nursing TCU 2024

Hi all, is it common for EA Nursing Students to be deferred? I am a competitive applicant; what percentage of EA Nursing students are deferred?
ACT: 32 ss (34’s in Reading, English, Science and 25 Math)
SAT: 1330
GPA: 4.29/4.5
Varsity Basketball, Track, pianist, guitarist, St. Louis Youth Group leader, NHS secretary, etc etc. If you need more info on my ec’s/accomplishments in order to provide me with helpful info, or for me to help you in any way, please reach out and I can give more information!

I know they accept ~13% of applicants, but some I’ve heard of that were accepted are less competitive than I am. I am a strong writer and my essay and Nursing supplements are powerful

Please share if you have similar stats and if you were also deferred!

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@Doggolover20 My daughter was also deferred. You have higher stats than her (3.93 and 29 ACT). TCU said that “evidence” to prepare for Nursing was something they look at. My daughter is a CNA, certified phlebotomist, has healthcare level CPR (BLS provider) and has over 200 volunteer hours in hospitals and nursing home. Has over 30 clinical hours with her CNA. Taken Anatomy / Physiology and is taking a DE Medical Terminology class next semester. She has a lot of evidence but they also may be looking at other factors as well. I agree that there are lower scores that were accepted and it is frustrating to understand.

I think its very, very common to be deferred to TCU for Nursing. We spoke to Admissions after we toured last summer and they told us that. A 13% acceptance rate is less than Wash U, Notre Dame, UNC Chapel Hill, etc. If you conceptualize it that way, it is an extremely competitive “college”.

My daughter has also been accepted to multiple other schools including UTulsa as well. (I think I saw that on the reg TCU thread that it was on your list). She is considering Baylor in RD as well.

Not sure if this helps but good luck!!

Hello - I also posted this on the other thread for TCU class of 2024 - re-posting here:

My D loves TCU and was also deferred for Nursing. She has not given up hope and still would love to attend TCU for Nursing. It looks like the field is very competitive this year and congrats to all who were admitted EA!

  • GPA 97
  • SAT 1370
  • Healthy mix of AP and Pre-AP Classes
  • Very competitive public high school/does not rank unless you are in top 70 out of 700 students
  • St. David's Hospital (Austin) Summer Internship Program
  • St. David's Hospital operating room/surgery shadowing
  • Cedar Park Hospital operating room/surgery shadowing
  • Seton Ascension Interactive Health Sciences Program
  • CERT- Community Emergency Response Team and FEMA Level I certified, CPR, First Aid, Stop the Bleed etc.
  • Leader (Head Honcho) for Teen Teaching and Leadership program for school district
  • National and Junior Olympic Level Synchronized Swimmer (qualified and competed in Junior Olympics the past 4 years)
  • Classical Piano for 11 years
  • Swim Coach
  • Other work experience
  • Over 500 service hours

I’m definitely not an expert on college admissions, but I can for sure tell that you’re incredibly driven. TCU nursing is an extremely competitive major, if not the most competitive major (like you said, a 13% acceptance rate). TCU usually defers all of the ED/EA nursing applicants because they want to see the entire pool of applicants, including those in RD. If you are really passionate about getting into TCU, tell them! Keep on showing interest and you’ll have a higher chance of getting in (plus, being EA boosts your application too)! It’s definitely nothing against you or your stats, it just makes it a little fairer for all applicants!

I wish you the best and good luck!

Thanks so much!!

Hello! Thanks for your reply! How in the world did she get access to being a surgeon shadower?? I’ve looked around a lot here in Waco, and I can’t get any access anywhere for patient privacy reasons. How did she get those opportunities??

Thank you!! Best of luck to your daughter (:

@Doggolover20 Regarding the surgery shadowing, because she wants to be a nurse anesthetist (CRNA)- she asked both nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists if they would take her on and allow her to shadow. She found one of each who were willing and then they sponsored her through their hospital. She went through all the background checks, drug screening, insurance etc. and then was able to shadow. I recommend this way over trying to find a shadow program. It is a very cool experience b/c you start with the patients in pre-op, go with them to the OR and then finish in post-op/recovery.

Thank you!!

Hi, TCU admission counselor here! It is very common for great applicants to receive a deferral for Nursing. Because TCU guarantees clinicals and internships for all Nursing students, it is limited by the number of spots the local hospital network has available (usually about 120 in each incoming freshman class). If TCU admitted every qualified applicant during Early Action, there would be no room for later applicants.

At TCU, a deferral is not a “soft deny” and many deferred students are ultimately offered admission. Reaching out to your counselor to reaffirm your desire to attend can be helpful.

Additionally, someone had mentioned that TCU Nursing looks to the experiential side-- this is extremely true. Pre-health experience such as joining HOSA, shadowing, interning, volunteering, becoming a CNA or MA, etc. all also show that a student is prepared for the Nursing curriculum at TCU. Best of luck to all of you!