deferred--satII and other questions

<p>I did not report my sat II scores for EA as I thought they would not help me (710 and 660). I have now sent them in for RD. I'm taking my 3rd in January. Question is should I retake the 660 if I think I can increase my score (off day for normally strong math skills)?
I don't get how they can use the Jan 24 score which won't be sent for 2-4 weeks after that if they start reviewing and choosing applications in Jan.
Do deferred applicants ever submit new essays for RD?
Will my application be looked at with a clean slate? Or is there somewhat of a stigma attached due to first rejection??</p>

<p>I’m not positive, but I think a separate committee looks at RD than the one that looked at EA, and I don’t think they know or not if you were deferred. But I could be wrong…</p>

<p>Anybody else??</p>

<p>I believe your application will be looked upon as a clean slate, but because they accept EA those who they think would be admitted RD, your chances are obviously somewhat lower. They don’t send out the decisions until the end of March, and if your SAT scores arrive at the end of February, they’ll be considered, at least that’s what they told me over the phone.</p>

<p>Don’t know if I agree with the assumption that schools accept EA those who they think they would be admitting RD. There are lots of reason for Deferral…and yes, one might be on the bubble. But I know lots of kids accepted following deferral which pretty much begs the question of why not ED. But whether it’s they just want to see how first semester goes, wants Jan or Dec testing info or other, well… we just don’t know.</p>

<p>“Students offered admission under the Early Action program are those the Committee on Admissions feels confident would be admitted at Regular Decision.”</p>

<p>That’s from the website, but its not all that horrendous, as deferred candidates still have about a 10-15% chance, which is great compared to similar schools.</p>