<p>I recently got it deferred. I know i probably got deferred b/c of my sat scores. I got 1320 sats 690 math, 630 verbal. I’ve already taken it 3 times and have got 1320,1310, and 1320 so should i even bother taking it again. Would it look bad if i took it again cuz they might interpret me as not studying for the sats and just winging it everytime. I’ve already done the 10 real sats. I’ve already checked why i got those question incorrect and redid the problems. I’ve very good in math, i’m in calc 2 multivariable, 3d calculus already.</p>
<p>new sat starts in jan i think</p>
<p>it's march. Jan. is the last time the reg. SAT is there.</p>