<p>Okay, so I got deferred from Caltech EA. </p>
<p>I already sent in 3 recommendations (math teacher of 2 yrs, science teacher of 2 yrs, art teacher of 4 yrs). But the deferral letter said you could send in additional letters of recommendation.</p>
<p>I'm currently taking Biotechnology. I have a high A (would be A+ if my school gave A+s) in the class. The teacher seems to really like me, and would probably write a good letter of recommendation (also, since she mostly teaches Biology, for freshmen, she doesn't write a lot of letters). But would another letter be too much (considering I've already sent in 3) or would it be okay?</p>
<p>^^^^^I was wondering the same thing!!! is it also ok to send in another essay if i wanted to?</p>
<p>I would recommend asking your high school counselor to contact your regional admissions counselor to see what they are looking for and what would be the best way to supplement your application and see what you could possibly send.</p>
<p>You should definitely send in something- because that’s really what a deferral is for- to wait for you to send them something to show why you should be at Caltech.</p>
<p>A year ago, when I was deferred by Caltech, I hit panic-mode (partly, I guess, because I had a visit to my back-up school which went very badly, to the point that I really didn’t want to go there). I can’t remember what, exactly, my application update contained, but I’m pretty sure it at least had one extra rec letter, a page about updates in my extracurricular stuff, and one, maybe two, of my application essays rewritten from scratch. As somebody who isn’t involved in admissions in any way, however, I don’t know if that was a good thing…I probably came across as incredibly desperate. Oops. =)</p>
<p>On a related note, I just made myself a pound of spaghetti with 12 oz of Prego sauce and ate all of it in one sitting over the course of a little less than half an hour. Yum.</p>