Hi all,

I applied for Purdue Chem Engineering and they told me I got deferred a month ago and asked for 7th semester transcript. However, my school counsellor already puts up the 7th semester transcript yesterday and when I checked today, my status turnt into “Decision Made” and it SAYS “OFFER ADMISSION”. I still received no email or letter but does this mean i GET ACCEPTED???PLEASE HELP!!!

Yes, it means that now that they have reviewed your updated grades the committee recommended that you be offered admission. You should be able to see a copy of your admission letter on the Web portal soon (well that’s how they did it last year) and you will get a letter in the mail soon.


Do you know when they send emails for acceptance

I don’t. Last year they had a uniform notification day in December for early action. I understand that they have rolling admission this year. My daughter loved Purdue, but is not attending because she got into another school that she wanted even more. It’s a great school. Their website is excellent, perhaps you can search admission notification.

Oh Okay anyway thank you so muchh and it does say that it may take up to 3 business days for the official letter to come out so I guess I’ll have to wait!

Did anyone else have similar experience where they had their application says “offer admission” but havent heard emails?

I just wanna say that i got the email today and so happy to be a BoilerMaker!!