<p>I know I am not the only one running around to get all of my other applications together following deferral. Besides those schools you all listed in the second choice thread going on awhile ago, where are all of you applying? My list is:</p>
<p>Yale University
Wesleyan University
Tufts University
Vassar College
Connecticut College
Skidmore College
Trinity College (CT)</p>
<p>I also applied to four UCs (B, LA, SD, SC) but only because the fee was waived and my school encouraged me to do so.</p>
<p>Mine is:
Washington in St. Louis
UChicago </p>
<p>The thing is, though brown always will be my top choice, with a deferral from brown I am pretty unsure of how to polish my application and change it in order to succeed with the other colleges. I just dont know what on earth to make different! Well anyway, lets just have luck work her charm.</p>
<p>My list is embarrassingly long, so ill give ya an abridge version:
-UCs (B, LA)
<p>I see too many lists that are lacking safeties. Make sure you apply to a school that you know you will get into that you will be happy attending. If you don’t believe me, go find some old threads on CC from last April, and read about unhappy students (especially international students) who got no acceptances, or were only accepted to their state school where they didn’t want to go.</p>
<p>i was deferred to plme, but i’m applying to
rice/baylor msp
northwestern hpme
washu usp
penn vagelos
and then some random med programs like tcnj, bu, drexel, lehigh, miami, gw</p>