<p>Alright, I need to vent!</p>
<p>I went to Princeton this summer and absolutely fell in love. Upon walking onto the campus (and I know this is the cheesiest thing ever...but it actually happend) I started to cry because suddenly I couldn't imagine spending the next 4 years of my life at any other place. I also was crying because I was thinking, "Just GREAT, I've just fallen in love with the best University in the country...nice going, Dani." </p>
<p>I applied early decision in October...I know the application wasn't due until November...but I was anxious. After being deferred in December, I could not wait until April 1. The day came, and I opened my mail box, and to my horror...the envelope was small and thin. After, crying over being rejected simply at the sight of the envelope, I was significantly happier when I actually opened the envelope about 2 hours later and found that I had been waitlisted. While I am surely not expecting an acceptance (although it does seem rather cruel to be deferred, waitlisted, and finally rejected), I cannot help but dream of that phone call from the admissions office. </p>
<p>After reading all the posts about the waitlist it seems as if my situation looks even more bleak. While the letter says they have only waitlisted a small amount of people, last year's statistics definitely make me think otherwise. Also, last year they admitted 0 from the waitlist...I feel as if it is foolish of me to hope that this eyar will be the year they admit 70, and that I will be one of them. I know I will be happy wherever I go, but I can't help but feel sad. I'm usually such an optimistic person...it's just....I feel as if there is no way. </p>
<p>So.....where does all this leave me? Apparently, Berkeley? I guess life's not so bad, hehe. But ugh.... what i would do for Princeton...</p>