Deferred to Reg consideration

<p>GPA- 87.5
ACT- 28</p>

<p>What does this mean now? Are my chances lower now that they rejected me from the EA pool?</p>

<p>you were deferred into the regular decision pool and your decision should come around march or april.....your ACT is on par...however Binghamton relies heavily on GPA and your average seems too low....</p>

<p>Wow. I never would have figured an 88 average would be too low for a public college, especially a SUNY.</p>

<p>slater - i understand that you are disappointed, but had you looked at the stats for binghamton?</p>

Class Profile incoming freshmen 2007-2008 </p>

<p>Total # of freshman applications: 25,149</p>

<h1>of freshmen enrolled: 2,150</h1>

<p>High school average: 93 (mid 50 percent is 90-95)
Average SAT score: 1263 (mid 50 percent is 1180-1350)
Average ACT score: 28 (Range: 26-31)
Top 10% of high school class: 47 percent
Top 25% of high school class: 87 percent


Binghamton</a> University Admissions - Premier Public University</p>

<p>an 88 average is in the bottom 25 percentile. and binghamton accepts less than half its applicants.
you may still get accepted, but i hope you have applied to other schools where you have a greater chance of admission.</p>

<p>I had a 1300 SAT and a 95 GPA... I was also deferred.</p>

<p>Freestyla, I think you'll get in regular decision.
I mean I got in with a 1270 SAT and 96/97 GPA.
With tons of ec/comm. service, four letters of rec, and a good essay though.</p>

<p>isn't it a lot easier to get into harpur than SOM? That's where I applied</p>

<p>Harpur is the "easiest" to get into from my understanding, Slater.</p>

<p>I'm from Long Island...I don't know if that means anything. I had three recomendations and a very well-written, risky yet passionate essay.</p>

<p>stats specific to harpur -- <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>In what way was it risky?</p>

<p>hearing all of these amazing stats, i am shocked that i was accepted. My stats are 94 GPA and 28 ACT. i mean i take a lot of AP's, but i don't do particularly well in them. I don't know if maybe it is my location because a lot of people in my school got in, but it doesnt make sense that people with stats that were so much higher than mine didnt get in</p>

<p>ks1090, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from? Or, if you're an out-of-stater, that could make sense too.</p>

<p>I only know a couple of people from my school who got in out of the hundred or so that have applied. Granted, I don't know how many of that hundred applied EA vs. RD.</p>

<p>the post should be called, "who has not been deferred!"</p>

<p>Actually, I am from Long Island, NY (syosset) and everyone I am aware of that applied EA got in. I mean, I am sure that there are people I do not know about because I go to a big high school, but the process did not seem so selective until i read these threads</p>

<p>ks1090, I know at my school that's not the case. I know a handful or two of people who really wanted to go to Binghamton but got deferred EA. I'm just hoping they get in RD. I sympathize. I would be going through the same time of anxious wait like them had I not been accepted.</p>

<p>My son was deferred to reg decision too. full IB diploma. all hard classes. calc/physics etc. I think he has the full 7 IB classes. has 5 years of Italian and 3 years of Japanese. Is the soloist in the choir.Is also a professional singer. 94+ 1240 27 He was told by head of IB program that there is 100% accept rate for IB diploma. My son was shocked and hadn't even applied to anywhere else except cornell which we knew would be a huge stretch. several people in his school got in to Bing with no IB and lower averages. Any thoughts? Is it alphabetical? He is S others are D and G</p>

<p>I doubt it, I am H and the first person to get accepted from my school was a W, second was a C.</p>

<p>k007 - They could have thought that he was using it as a safety as some people with stats as his would do, and maybe wanted to give the spot to somebody they thought would for sure be going to Bing. </p>

<p>Did he list Bing as his first choice?</p>

<p>Additionally, they could have gotten to his application after all the spots had already been filled. I don't know if you're aware of it, but there was about a 36% increase in applications this year at Binghamton during EA round alone. They filled their quota earlier than usual, and had to cap it. Your son could have been unfortunate to be on the other end of the cut off.</p>

<p>Of course it's not alphabetical. Looks to me like the 1240/27 was his downfall.</p>