Deferred to Reg consideration

<p>liberate - how is that a downfall?
My scores of 1270/29 aren't THAT much higher...and I got accepted.</p>

<p>He had a 1240 but 1900 overall. He has never even taken an easy class. he was the only 9th grader that was ever let into japanese. He has never even had a lunch period. do you think he'll get in reg decision? 95 on physics regions, 100 on japanese regions. I called bing and admisions counselor pulled up his record and said he was an excellent candidate. any thoughts?</p>

<p>I don't know if they consider regents exams or not. They may look at them, but it would be unfair if they considered them heavily when it's a NY state exam, and there are OOS applicants.</p>

<p>Like I mentioned before, they had to cap it somewhere. Your son may have sent his exam at the last possible day, which may have been too late for them to accept him EA. </p>

<p>In my opinion, I think he'll get in RD.</p>

<p>thanks for reply. He applied ED cornell and EA bing. Do they know that? Does that make a difference. Cornell is a reach at best. He was put into reg decision cornell too because his supplemental essay didn't get attached correctly. We knew cornell was a stretch so he sent them a demo cd of him singing. He was told by head of IB at his school since last year he would get into bing because he was IB and he could have pushed himself a little more, but didn't cause he thought bing was a sure thing. Looks like it is sooo much more competitive then he thought. They shouldn't have told him not to worry. He could have taken SAT's again too. He didn't study and didn't have a tutor or anything. We were so naive. He only took ACT's once too. He quickly applied last minute to Umass, Uflorida gainesville,Tulane and Uof maryland college park. Any thoughts about those schools?</p>

<p>I don't know about the other schools, but from what you've mentioned, I really think he'll get in RD. Keep in mind they have so many applicants who think of Bing as a sure thing, that they want to accept those that they know will probably attend their school. </p>

<p>College admissions is never a sure thing, and Binghamton's EA decisions certainly prove that.</p>

<p>dont worry, i was deferred then waitlisted then i sent the waitlist form 3 weeks too late and i still got in.</p>

<p>Yeah 88 is very low. I had about a 90 when I applied last year. I ended up coming in as a spring transfer. They are very selective.</p>

<p>pigs55 - Very selective and getting even more so.</p>

<p>I got a 1300 SAT (plus 690 writing) with a 93 GPA (4 AP, 11 honors), and I got deferred. Did they look at all candidates equally or did they give preference to people who got their application in earlier? Because all of my stuff wasn't in until December 1.</p>

<p>Well I was defered with a 33 act/2200 sat so who knows if I got capped or whatever. I uess my gpa is low (90) but it take 9 ap's and am accelerated a year in several courses. This sucks.</p>

<p>I was optimistic, but after spending the entire afternoon reading about how colleges treat deferrals I have become very skeptical of my acceptance RD. From the info I have gathered, it seems that deferrals are basically back ups in case the the RD pool not as promising as the deferral group. In other words, they review all RD candidates before reviewing any of the deferral candidate's applications again. If the RD applicants have better and even SIMILAR stats compared to the deferral's then they are accepted before any deferral candidate is. The deferral letter said my application will be reviewed in March so this proves the claim that the RD pool acceptances/rejections are done by the time they look at my app. The RD pool will not be weak and it seldom is at any school. So this means, in my opinion, that very few deferrals will be accepted. I hope I am wrong and I have a long 2 months a head of me.</p>

<p>sean, not entirely true. EA gets thrown in with everyone else and is viewed as just another application in RD. Considering a lot of EA is probably better then RD, I'd say a lot of the deferrals get in.</p>

<p>SAT: 1260/1600
SAT Reading: 610
SAT Math: 650
SAT Writing: 610
GPA: 86
Coarse Load: Extremely Challenging
School: Extremely Competitive
Recs: Phenomenal
Essay: Phenomenal
ECs: DECA VP, Help the Homeless VP/Founder, Junior Players VP, Select Singers Officer, Thespian, TRI M member, Newspaper Columnist
Awards: Numerous DECA awards, Senior Spotlight</p>

<p>My daughter was deferred by Binghamton, too. She has a 660 math/ 650 CR/ 650 reading SAT and her GPA is a 94. She is an AP scholar with Honor and the Treasurer of National Honor Society. She is very disappointed as this was a good affordable option for her. I see out of state students who were accepted that have lower GPA and SAT. I don't think out of state students should be admitted with lower grades and scores, they are already getting a great deal on out of state tuition. The economy is definately affecting admissions.</p>

<p>One theory I heard is that they had so many EA apps that they literally couldn't get through all of them by the EA notification deadline, hence many deferrals. </p>

<p>I rather they do it this way then rush through them to meet a deadline. Time will tell!</p>

<p>lol i think that is actually what it is...a rumor. it is the admissions job to thoroughly got through every candidate and im sure they did that. Everyone just look forward to RD</p>

<p>I got deferred too! Binghamton is my top school and I want to go there so badly!
Can someone tell me if they think I will get in??
GPA: 3.7 (92)
ACT: 29
SAT II: US History 780
AP US History (5)
AP Macroeconomics (4)
3 APs this year
National Honors Society
Community Service
Varsity Cheerleader
High Honor Roll all through high school
Member of 3 school clubs</p>

<p>I even emailed the admissions guy for my area letting him know that I was deferred but that BU is my top choice! He said thank you and that he appreciated me letting him know that. </p>

<p>gdem…you certainly deserve to be admitted, however the fact is that not everyone who is qualified gets accepted, they simply do not have space for all the qualified applicants. So, hope for the best, you should be proud of your academic record. Have you visited yet? Where else have you applied?</p>

I recently got deferred. Is there any advice anyone can give me as to what I should do next? Any help Is much appreciated :slight_smile:

For those of you with scores and credentials that make you competitive for universities like Michigan but who got deferred, I think you can consider the deferral as Binghamton’s “yield protection”. Nobody knows for sure but if it looks like Harpur is a safety for you, I bet they don’t want to allow you to hold a slot if it is unlikely you’ll take it. Nearly 80% of those admitted decline the offer. If you look like a candidate for a stronger school, I’m sure they want you to show that you want to be at Binghamton before they extend an offer. Can’t know for sure but if your credentials are high enough to get into schools like Michigan, UVA, UC anything, UNC-CH, you are probably viewed as an unlikely “yes” to Binghamton.