Deferred to Wharton ED, got a low-B in Calc BC 1st semester, did I ruin my chances?

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>So I know Wharton puts an emphasis on a strong math background and requires that you take calculus during high school. I have always done well in math, but the first semester of senior year, I took calc. BC and got my first B in a class. Because I was deferred, the admissions committee will probably be scrutinizing my mid-year report extra hard, and I was wondering if such a negative change will affect my application for the worse?</p>

<p>Here are my math grades so far in high school (both semesters):</p>

<p>Geometry Honors: 96, 95
Algebra 2 Honors: 95, 96
Precalculus Honors: 96, 98
Statistics AP: 98 (first semester)
Calculus BC AP: 83</p>

<p>Math II SAT: 800
SAT I Math: 780</p>

<p>Will my other grades be enough to convince them I am still reasonably good at math?</p>

<p>Well in all honesty it definitely will have a somewhat negative effect… but I don’t see it being an automatic “oh, there’s a B, reject that app!” thing. Just try and get your grade in calc up before decisions come out… and perhaps even send them like a quarter grade if you have one by that time.</p>