<p>So, I was just deferred from UNC Chapel Hill. I plan on writing a letter to express my interest in the school because Chapel Hill is still my number 1 choice. What should I include in such a letter? I do not want to seem desperate but also do not want to appear apathetic. </p>
<p>Any suggestions? Has anyone written a letter before that they can show me? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!!</p>
<p>I was just deferred EA by Loyola College of Maryland…what do I do now? This is also my first choice. I have been accepted EA by JMU, George Mason, VWU and Washington College but I really want to go to Loyola. Please help with suggestions.</p>
<p>First off, do NOT ask them why you were deferred. The person that you will most likely be contacting is a local admissions officer, and chances are they have no idea why you were not accepted. Simply state that you are still interested in the school, and if it is truly your first choice, you should mention that as well. In addition, if you have improved your standardized test scores, won any additional awards, or achieved anything new since sending in your application, it’s appropriate to include that information as well.</p>
<p>Well, for someone who came across this thread and was deferred from Chicago, what advice can you give? Thanks, I figured this would be easier than making another thread. :)</p>
<p>Sorry about the confusion everyone. I first made this post for a friend of mine who was deferred from UNC. I thought it easier to just post the question rather than worry about who it was for. Yes, i have been accepted, but this is for my friend. Again, any suggestions would be helpful.</p>