<p>I recieved my letter of deferral today, wasn't suprising. It did not ask for my grades but it said that they would evaluate on a regular basis and make a final decision based on my credentials contributed to the applicant pool. </p>
<p>Is this better than them asking for your grades or worse?
Do the majority of people who recieve this decision get in or is it random? (I'm sure this is asked a lot)
Anything you know about this decision would be helpful and what I can maybe do to get in. Do you think it would be helpful to call and offer to be considered for summer term? OR do they like offering themselves..?</p>
<p>I need to know whether to put all my eggs in the u of m basket for getting accepted in April or if I should just focus on other schools now...</p>
<p>I’m surprised they didn’t ask for your grades. Everyone I’ve heard of who got deferred, including myself, has to send 7th semester grades. It sounds like since they didn’t ask for them, they don’t have many reservations about your performance so it might be a good thing (just guessing of course, idk). Can you tell us what your UM GPA was?</p>
<p>Also, definitely focus on other schools now.</p>
<p>3.5 unweighted. My grades and scores alone could have got me rejected but I have an unusually large amount of leadership, diversity experiences, bilingual, many ecs, and was state finalist in forensics. I think that is why they said “we will make our decision based on your credentials contributing to the applicant pool” to see if other people have my credentials but better grades maybe? i’m just going to be patient and wait. unless there is something i can do or send them…</p>
<p>And yeah other people I know who got deferred got asked for their grades too, but they had the same grades as me and a lot less of extra credentials. So i really don’t know how to look at this.</p>