
In state.
Unweighted GPA of 3.8 with AP classes
24 ACT
Top 10% of class
NHS two years
Honors band
Trap Team varsity 3 years
Baseball 4 years
Student Government 2 years
Show choir 2 years
There is more…hope I get in…

so listen consider retaking the ACT or even take the SAT. Get those scores up, contact the counselor at your school and make them contact UW contact. Make it happen!

Your GPA is awesome it’s that test score that made it iffy cause everything else is amazing! Good luck!

No time to take it again. My resume is long and I feel rest of application was great. Sending in current grades per their request. All AP and band right now, 3.89 unweighted GPA. I’m consistent with GPA. I’ve continued to be involved in school activities and will let them know . Fingers crossed, hope it’s UW. Thank you for your comment.

Oh, and my behavior record is boring. Nothing negative. :slight_smile: