
<p>I'm from NJ & I applied early action for business & got deferred.
So my final decision comes in Feb.
Does anyone know the amount of people they accept from the deferred pile?</p>

<p>No idea. I know they take half their applicants in Early Response and the other half in Regular but idk about defferred</p>

<p>not very many…if u were offered an alternate choice i would take it.</p>

<p>^ Ugh, I wasn’t.
Great…there goes my hopes of getting in down the drain.</p>

<p>well you still have a chance no matter how small</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>Business college defers huge numbers during early action and makes decisions on the vast majority of those admitted with the Feb group and many deferred are admitted. Thus, being deferred should not be considered as diminishing any chances of being admitted. Nevertheless, understand that the business college has the lowest admission rate (it has been in the low to mid 40% range the last few years) of the UIUC colleges and having high stats is no guarantee of admission – it is one college that considers essays very important. In other words, your chances, whatever they were, are probably about the same as they were before being deferred and with its low admission rate you should not consider it a lock regardless of what your stats are.</p>

<p>Drusba, I thought the College of Engineering was the one with the lowest acceptance rate out of all the colleges.</p>

<p>Actually, the college of engineering usually has one of the highest acceptance rates, sometimes above 70%. Engineering has the highest middle 50% ranges class rank/test score but it usually gets in the neighborhood of 3400 applications and admits close to 2400 with the planned enrollment of about 1200. What is happening is simply that the vast majority who apply to engineering in fact have very high class rank and test score. Last year, business college had about 2700 applications, accepted about 1150 and enrolled about 660.</p>