
i'm instate and i was deferred from early decision :/</p>

<p>i'm just curious what other people who were deferred are thinking about their chances at this point.</p>

<p>i did get straight A's 1st semester, but with all of the applicants this year, i'm not very optimistic.</p>

<p>My son’s friend was deferred and he had great stats. SATs over 2300, class leadership, varsity athletics and in top 10% of competitive school. We were surprised, but it is very competitive this year. We didn’t know this going in, but William & Mary is the hardest in-state school to get into. Good luck!</p>

<p>if you have something that you think will increase your chances, definitely send it.</p>

<p>I don’t know what the numbers look like. I don’t think they release numbers for deferred students who are then admitted.</p>

<p>kuvaszkin, I was under the impression that UVA was harder to get into than W&M? Do you have anything to support this assertion? Looking at data for my school, the average GPA and SAT for admittance to UVA is higher than the corresponding values for W&M and we have a LOT of people that apply and get into both of these schools.</p>

<p>US News and World Report for 2009 has W&M acceptance rate at 33.7%.
UVA didn’t make the lowest 100 acceptance rates (probably just by a few tenths of a percent).
[Best</a> Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Best”></p>

<p>With over 12,000 applications this year and around 3000 expected acceptances (and about 1500 expected enrollments) W&M may be down to around 25% acceptance rate this year.</p>

<p>jcrew, of course it will vary by school and year by year, but W&M usually has a slightly lower acceptance rate and slightly higher SATs than UVA.</p>

<p>[College</a> Search - University of Virginia - UVA - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)
[College</a> Search - College of William and Mary - W&M - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>


<p>I think from northern va, UVA is slightly harder. From anywhere else, W&M is slightly harder. So, if you are from there, that might explain it.</p>

<p>W&M has had a lower admit ratio and higher test scores than UVirginia for decades. Its not something new. Its tough to be exclusive when there are 15000 of you.</p>