Deferring a year?

<p>Hi everyone, </p>

<p>what's the stance on admission deferral? I think I'd like to continue on to a math PhD, but realistically, I need some time off. I don't particularly want to write these applications next year, when I'm away and getting a hold of letter writers might be an issue. </p>

<p>Assuming we can defer admissions, are there any consequences? Is my assumption wrong, and schools just ask your to reapply next year?</p>


<p>It depends on the school. Only some schools allow deferrals, and many schools that do allow deferrals only allow them in cases of emergency, not simply because you want to apply next year and not this year.</p>

<p>If you want to apply next year…apply next year. Most letter writers have access to email and phones. I’ve gotten hold of undergraduate professors to write letters for me for graduate school things.</p>