deferring admission/taking a leave of absence

<p>My S is accepted for this entering class. A unique opportunity to pursue a professional career has arisen since he was accepted. He wants to be able to defer entering; or perhaps take a leave of absence after attending one semester. He will be working in this other opportunity for several years. We have sent e-mails to the Dean of the College who passed the buck to the Dean of Admissions (who has not yet responded). </p>

<p>Can anyone either point to the person to whom to ask for help; or have any information to help us (we are aware of the tennis player who returned following a 6 year absence)? We are in a time critical mode -- we must put this issue to rest within a week.</p>

<p>Why don’t you try contacting Dean Rapelye c/o her assistant Jamie Goodbinder with your request? Explain what your S wants to do and that time is of the essence. Hope this helps and good luck.</p>