<p>i was deffered for summer 09 for my sat scores which were 1010. i raised them to 1100 and now im accepted. hopefully this will give hope to some other poeple. but keep in mind i have a 4.3 gpa, 300 sevice hours ap classes ect... good luck!!
anyways, i was wondering which is a good dorm for me, i dont have a lot of money so im stuch between nike/herc but i dont know if i should do single apartment style or room with someone??<br>
when should i fill out the finiancial thing??</p>
<p>I was also deferred last week, but then tonight I went on and now I’m accepted! I am jumping with joy!</p>
<p>various words, did you also have to bring up your scores?</p>
<p>where you both in-state or out-of-state? D was deferred for Summer 09 to bring up her test scores.</p>
<p>I’m in-state and no I didn’t have do anything. All of a sudden I was suddenly accepted, so I was rather pleased!</p>
<p>ugh, why do they make it so tough for OOS students. D is still deferred, this is her #1 choice :(</p>
<p>I’m sure it would be harder for a Florida HS student to get into Jersey universities. States want to educate their young people, keep them in the state, and have a better educated population.</p>
<p>Congratulations to everyone accepted. This is the link to the last years housing costs and this summers housing rates: [UCF</a> Housing and Residence Life | Rates](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucf.edu/ratesresults.php?year_id=0809]UCF”>http://www.housing.ucf.edu/ratesresults.php?year_id=0809)</p>
<p>For summer, a lot of kids tend to stick with their high school friends (at least that was my daughter’s experience last summer) so it dosen’t really matter where/which type of dorm you live in. Nike/Hercules is near the gym and the pool and that is very convenient for summer. Lake Claire is close to classroom 1/the Comm Building and other buildings that many students will have summer classes in. Go for whatever you want. My daughter did the Nike apt (4/2) and loved it.
For Fall two of her friends stayed in Nike/Hercules (in a double room) and they are very happy there. My daughter loves being in Towers because it is newer and near Greek Park (she joined a sorority). My friends daughter did summer at Lake Claire and then moved to an off campus apartment. Everyone is happy. It also depends on how sociable you are. It is easier to meet new people if you have to share a common area/hallway or room. If you read back a year or so on the dorm or housing threads here you may find more insights but I have never heard anyone say on this board “don’t live in this dorm”. Even the kids who choose the least expensive Fall dorm, Libra, found their niches and had good experiences.</p>
<p>OMG, last night D checked her status and SCREAMED, jumped for joy, and texted all her friends. We are thrilled!</p>
<p>Congratulations! You have been offered admission to UCF for the Summer 2009 term. </p>
<p>We are in a state of shock! What do we do now?? D definately wants to accept this offer of admission! What a wonderful Christmas present to her.</p>
<p>Congrats JerseyShoreMom! I’ve been reading these posts for awhile now…I have a D that sounds much like yours. She applied for Fall 2009 to FGCU, FSU, UCF, UNF, UWF. Got in easily at FGCU, UNF, UWF but deferred from UCF and FSU. No surprise with FSU, but really devastated about UCF. It must be her low SAT scores. She has taken them 4 times. Her highest composite score is a 1030/1610. Her GPA 3.2 un/3.87 w. Has taken mostly AP and Honors and is in National Honor Society, many extracurriculars. Sent in a package with resume, letters of recommendation, her first progress report of the year, and even a DVD of some film work done in TV Production. Still was showing deferred, so just switched her application to Summer 2009, hoping to get her foot in the door that way. We are anxiously awaiting the decision now. Do you mind me asking your D’s stats?</p>
<p>also, my guess is that you should apply for housing ASAP if you can…</p>
<p>D’s scores are similar to yours. She applied to FGCU and USF for Fall, was accepted to FGCU and deferred at USF. She applied to FSU and UCF for Summer and was deferred at both. She has awesome ECs (vp of junior and senior class, SADD president, Peer Leader, plans ALL the school functions - which is why she loves that area of study and wanted in at UCF’s Event Management degree program), three excellent recs (including the Superintendent of Schools), and two really great essays, and a very impressive resume. </p>
<p>She was initially deferred in October because of test scores. She retook the SAT and went up only in Math by 40 points but sent in her scores anyway and was planning on taking them again in January hoping for better scores. </p>
<p>If your D switched to Summer, she will most likely get in. Is she also out-of-state?</p>
<p>she is a FL resident, from Orlando. However, we are originally from the Jersey Shore. She also was deferred from USF for Fall 2009. Did not bother to reapply there for Summer. UCF told me after resubmitting her application for Summer that she did not need to have done that. She would automatically have been considered for Summer instead of Fall. She has better SAT scores submitted now though that increased her highest composite score by the 30 points to give her the 1030. 4 times is enough. She is not taking it again. It also seems like all the EC’s/Volunteering/Work Exp. just don’t count. It comes right down to the GPA/SAT scores. You are right, UCF has a GREAT Hospitality major and some pretty awesome dorms over off of I-Drive. Almost brand new. They are not however anywhere near the main campus, where most of the students live making it somewhat isolated…if you can call living in the heart of the entertainment district isolated. GREAT choice for your D! Not any other school in this state (and few others) can provide the internships and experience that Orlando can for Hospitality.</p>
<p>Funny…your D wants to come down…my D wants to go up to Hofstra…but she has no idea how it is in the COLD. We should be getting that letter today. UGH.</p>
<p>D wants nothing to do with colleges up here. She was accepted next door to Hofstra, at St. Johns, and was accepted to Purdue, which I found odd because I thought that was a reach for her. She dislikes the cold (like her mom) but Purdue ranks #1 in her field.</p>
<p>When did you D apply, maybe with the new scores sent in they’ll re-evaluate. Are you checking the status online? My D applied on October 10th and was put on the deferral list later that month. We put UCF on the free SAT send scores list for the October test. She also sent them her October ACT scores but they weren’t any better. I’m assuming that if you keep sending them updates it shows interest and will likely generate an acceptance … eventually.</p>
<p>she originally applied at the end of August. She reapplied a week ago, right after the new SAT results were sent to them. I think the decision will come up soon online as they changed her status to reviewing her file. should be any day. Perhaps the 40 points made the difference for your D once it generated thru the system. Glad for her!</p>
<p>CONGRATULATIONS Jerseyshoremom’s D!!!</p>
<p>Now you need to go to the housing website (see link on page 1 of this thread) and apply for housing with a $250 deposit for Fall and a separate $100 deposit for summer housing. You do not specify what type of dorm at all for summer at this time (that comes later in spring), you simply request housing with the deposit. For Fall, if she wants a regular dorm (all of them are suites OR apartment style) with a 10 month contract then she applies for the academic contract. If she wants the newer Towers dorms (there are 4 and they are near the stadium) which is apartment style (mostly 4 bed/2 bath units) you need to specify that you want an ANNUAL contract (you have to pay for 3 semesters…Fall,spring and summer 2010). All Towers contracts start in Fall. You can pay your admissions deposit and housing deposit online (but they do have a $10 “convenience fee”). PM me if you have any questions.</p>
<p>[UCF</a> Housing and Residence Life | Application Information](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucf.edu/application_main.php]UCF”>http://www.housing.ucf.edu/application_main.php)</p>
<p>Oh, I strongly suggest that she do her first two years at the Main Campus and not the Rosen Campus.</p>
<p>Oh yes, she definately wants to do her first two years at the main campus. We rushed through the main campus tour to make it over to Rosen in time for our appointment that we didn’t get to peek at any dorms on the main campus. I’m going to research tonight with her as to what dorm works for her for Fall. She already joined the UCF Class of 2013 on Facebook. :P</p>
<p>Now what about the $200 admissions deposit? So I’ll need to send $200 admissions deposit, $100 Summer housing, and $200 Fall housing all at once?</p>
<p>Yes, do all three at once, now. On the housing website there is a link so that she can look at all the different types of housing and floorplans. </p>
<p>[UCF</a> Housing and Residence Life | Our Communities](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucf.edu/communities.php]UCF”>http://www.housing.ucf.edu/communities.php)</p>
<p>Also JerseyShoreMom, consider this:</p>
<p>[UCF</a> Housing and Residence Life | Special Living Opportunities](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucf.edu/opportunitiesdetail.php?page=outofstate]UCF”>http://www.housing.ucf.edu/opportunitiesdetail.php?page=outofstate)</p>
<p>It is a special community for out of state students.</p>