Define a 'Well-rounded Student'

<p>For the longest time Princeton has been my ambition for a college. In my luck, a professor from Princeton was visiting last Sunday, and I bombarded him with questions about the whole admissions process, students, etc. When I asked him 'So, who are the students that make it in?', he answered 'Generally the ones who are most well-rounded.' It seems that to whoever I ask this question I get the same ambiguous response. Could someone go into detail about the specific aspects of a well-rounded student? or better yet, the aspects of a Princeton student? I know that not all students are the same, so pretend that it's a model student that we're talking about.</p>


<p>1) Grades
2) Challenging courseload
3) Test scores
4) Extra-Curricular activities which show passion and leadership.
5) Awards</p>

<p>They bounce.</p>

<p>But really it just means nothing might stand out, but they have activities in every section… work experience, volunteer, sports, academics, scores, looks, and farmville ability.</p>

<p>Princeton and the other ivies don’t want well-rounded students. For example, if you were an admissions officer, who would you pick: the kid who is active in 5 clubs, has above-average stats, volunteers at 3 different places but hasn’t done anything notable or the kid who is in 1 club, has beyond above-average stats, has a clear spike in one area (related to the club, lets say science) by winning numerous awards in that subject ranging from local to national, and volunteers/interns in a place related to his interest? You’d probably pick the kid with the ‘spike’ over the well-rounded kid.
The thing is, they want a well-rounded class, not kid.</p>

<p>I think it used to be the case the well - rounded students got in as in what cadillac said " nothing might stand out". The students were involved in multiple activities but not national or international recognition. However now everyone is “well- rounded” but if you don’t you the grades, Ec’s, and stats you won’t even be considered for admission. Top students are becoming more well- rounded so like ^ prithvincible said the person with the spike will have a better chance because all the applicants have the grades, awards, leadership… etc. You need something to stand out. Good Luck!</p>