Define: African American

<p>You’re not african American blackrose. That’s your Citizenship status not your ethnicity/race. </p>

<p>If you were born here and your parents weren’t, you’re a first generation African.</p>

<p>But you were born in Africa, so you’re still African. </p>

<p>Do you get it? Africans and african Americans are like… Puerto ricans and colombians. Both Hispanic, different cultures.</p>

<p>Black includes Africans, African Americans, Haitians, jamaicans, and any other “black” people.</p>

<p>Ethnicity does not mean continent. Sadly, people of north Africa are thought of as white, they are middle eastern. Honestly though, they are the farthest thing from white. Ask any ‘white’ person, they would not call a middle eastern white. I hate that so many ethnicities are clumped together. But for application purposes it will say white (including middle eastern). I am Egyptian and checked off white on my college applications</p>

<p>Anyone who has to ask if they are Black, probably aren’t black, or African American, or even identify as black, until it is convenient to do so.
In this country, where race is such a hot topic, someone somewhere in your short life would somehow, (directly or indirectly) let you know that you were black. You wouldn’t need to ask, or need a definition from an application, if you actually identify yourself as black.</p>

<p>^ Exactly. I highly doubt the OP actually identifies him/herself as African American. It’s just convenient to do it right about now.</p>




<p>Exactly!. Why do people always find it convienent to identify themselves as black when it will benefit them. However, if some one called them black, they would quickly say, no I’m middle eastern.</p>

<p>Not saying the OP does this, but it is common. </p>

<p>OP, identify yourself as white, or other(saying your country)
Because one, you are just being deceitful to the colleges, and two, you know your not African American because you have to ask. </p>

<p>I think your asking us, to see what we will say… Now it would be a different situation if you were mixed…</p>

<p>Rough… I really just wanted other opinions… if it’ll help you guys sleep at night ill put other on my college applications.</p>

<p>Dude, nobody is being “rough”. We’re just telling you the straight up truth. You’re just trying to use being a URM that you are not because it’s convenient to you. If you had to ask if you’re black, you’re probably not. Put other, not because it’ll “help us sleep at night”, but because that’s more accurate. Where you are from <em>is</em> in Africa, but it’s considered the Middle East as well. good lord.</p>

<p>OP is being childish. Yeah, you telling the truth REALLY helps us sleep at night</p>

<p>Op, if it will help you, google your nationality and see what it comes up with. I’m Egyptian and I’m telling you now that it’s ‘white.’ Colleges aren’t stupid, they’ll know Egyptian is white even if you mark it something else. I checked off white and got into all the schools that I applied to. If you think your race will give you an advantage, then you shouldn’t be going to schools with academic prestige anyway.</p>