Definition of URM

<p>I am 1/2 hispanic, but I am from an upper-middle class family and I attend one of the top private college prep schools. My dad was born in Cuba but went to Cornell for engineering. I wouldn't exactly call ourselves "underprivileged." I don't need to apply for financial aid. I'm just wondering if I even fall into the category of a URM and if I can get any benefit from it.</p>

<p>Yes you are considered Hispanic.</p>

<p>But I always hear of URM and how they usually come from lower income backgrounds?</p>

<p>URM = Under Represented Minority</p>

<p>Hispanics are considered URMs for college admissions.</p>

<p>Within the Hispanic cohort, there are various factors (including SES) that affect how you will be evaluated, see the threads linked to in post #2 here:</p>

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