Definitions of Terms

<p>Is this how you would categorize the terms:</p>

<p>Safety: >95% chance
Low Match: 80-95% chance
Match: 65-80% chance
High Match: 50-65% chance
Low Reach: 35-50% chance
Reach: 20-35% chance
High Reach: 5-20% chance
Out of reach: <5% chance</p>

<p>These terms are a little confusing, as I don't know what they really mean.</p>

<p>Safety: 90
Match: 60
High Match: 35
Low Reach: 15
Reach: 5</p>

<p>Yes, I would say these terms are correct. Nobody has really ever defined the terms, as they are pretty abstract, but it seems like you have made a really nice chart :)</p>