Degree Works and 2015 AP's

Almighty Degree Works,

We humbly beseech You to update our AP scores from May 2015.


Can we get in on that action, too?

@2015pop absolutely! After all, who can resist a bulldog with a frisbee? Surely that alone will have some kind of cosmic impact!

Ha! I guess Alabama is like Texas. “What’s the hurry? We’ll get there when we get there.” Checked this morning, Degree Works was updated at 1ish am. No 2015 AP scores included.

@2015pop as of today, our prayers are answered!

@Nerdyparent yay for you!!..But alas, not so much at our house :frowning:
We have all hard copies of the scores from AP and CLEP ready to take to BB.

Although, looking at the transcript tab, it does appear they are currently working on his.

@nerdyparent Have the 2015 AP scores been posted to Degree Works for your child? Just checked, and my DD’s 2015 scores have not posted yet. I really wish they would, she would like to changes sections for Calc II, but the system won’t let her until her AP Calc score is posted.

@TNmomof1 yes - ours were posted - but my son had his sent directly to UA at the time of test administration May 2015 - so if you didn’t have them sent directly, that could explain the delay maybe?

I am curious if they may be going down the line alphabetically as well. Son had his score sent to UA when he took the test as well. So here’s hoping for Monday.

My DD also had hers sent directly to UA when the tests were administered. Her last name begins with S so if it’s alphabetical, we may have a long wait.

@TNmomof1 - S as well and from TN

Is this not an automated process? I know some schools had AP scores posted to transcripts last week before the scores were even released to the students. I read somewhere that scores were sent to the schools around June 25.

Not sure of the process but I am certainly glad he only has to go through it one time.

Big yippee!!! AP scores are in. Now just waiting for CLEP and of to BB. RTR!!

My DD’s scores are posted also, and she was able to change her Calc II section this morning to get the prof she wanted. She now has a perfect schedule! They did not post one of her AP classes though. It will just be an elective, so it’s not a big deal right now. However, who would she contact to find out about it? She won’t bother them for a week or so since I’m sure they will be very busy.

DS’s Ap’s just posted this morning…one more CLEP he’s taking in a week and then the world will be perfect!
^^ Pop^^ good luck @ BB…we’ll see you in August.