Delayed AP Scores

<p>Hey Guys,
I called in for my scores and was told that not all of them were available. Have you guys been able to get all of your scores? If not, does anyone know why? Is it possible that they lost this exam? They had my other 4 scores ready, just not AP US....</p>

<p>My English Lang score is delayed, but I know why (fire drill during the exam, probably deciding what to do about it or something.)
I would wait until the mailed scores come. If there’s still a problem, then I would pursue calling their help number and asking what’s up.</p>

<p>Wow. Fire drill? Was it a real one?</p>

<p>Yeah, the whole building burned down and all the AP tests were lost</p>

<p>So has this not happened to anyone else?</p>

<p>You might want to call College Board directly…
I’ve heard of a person only getting 1 score out of 4 taken this year…</p>

<p>I didn’t get my Calc score for some odd reason. I found out when I called to get my scores and they said not all my scores were available. -_______________-</p>

<p>How do you find out about a delayed score?</p>

<p>What’s the number? I took three tests this year, but my Chem and English Lang scores are delayed.</p>