Deleting my myspace

<p>I really don't go on it often.. I really don't want my future employers to dig up past info on me.. I use my facebook a lot more, and I'd like to think that the more professional I get, the less proud of my account on Myspace I'll be.</p>

<p>Should I or should I not?</p>

<p>yeah, dude, you should. Myspace is evil.</p>

<p>myspace raped my second cousin and tripped an old lady trying to cross the street</p>

<p>Myspace: 90% pedophiles and emos, 5% bands and their fans, another 4% pedophiles and emos, 1% normal(ish) people.</p>

<p>Delete it, Myspace sucks.</p>

<p>Delete, delete, DELETE ! :D</p>

<p>Delete it. As soon as two of my friends get Facebook, I'm going to, too. I currently log in to it about once in two months.</p>

<p>All of my friends have a MySpace and they always ask me why I don't make one. I see no point in it because the only people they talk to on MySpace are the people they already know in school and rarely anyone new. </p>

<p>I can honestly say my life is better for not being on MySpace, as I have actually seen it slowly suck the soul out of my family and friends through the orifices in their bodies. </p>

<p>I still have all of my soul, and you will too if you quit NOW!</p>

<p>I'm close to deleting mine...
if certain friends would just get facebook I'd do it immediately...</p>

<p>"90% pedophiles and emos"
I think it's funny how you grouped the two together =P</p>

<p>I resisted getting a MySpace. Now all of my friends are embarrassed to admit that they had one... and I can act superior. YESSS.</p>

<p>Ugh, its such a horrible interface too (facebook gives some relief, some things I would change) [/designer] </p>

<p>Thanks for reminding me actually, im going to go delete mine right now! Hopefully the cache's clean out by the time im looking for a job ;)</p>