Denied/Alternate Major- pretty important question

I got my admission decision in february that i got denied/offer alternate major, and i originally asked them if they could reconsider me for math, and i just found out couple days ago that i was denied for math. So today I talked to an admissions counselor, and she told me to pick the three alternate majors, and then I would know my decision in a couple of weeks. The three alternate majors I picked were all in the college of technology( computer information technology, mechanical engineering technology, and web design). I looked back at the admission decision email that I got and I saw that they are going to re-evaluate my application and then make a decision for the alternate major based on my application. Does anyone know with experience or has heard about this as I am wondering if I actually will be admitted to purdue for one the alternate majors that i picked, like am i practically guaranteed that I’m gonna be admitted for one of the alternate majors The original admission decision email that I got is this:

Thank you for your interest in Purdue. Unfortunately, because the demand for the major to which you applied far exceeds its capacity, we cannot accommodate all applicants. However, you’re an excellent student who can succeed at Purdue. Therefore, we’d like to consider you for admission to an alternative major on our West Lafayette campus - and there are a number of outstanding programs.

To request an alternative major, visit and submit the online form.

You will have the opportunity to identify up to three alternative majors and should select them in priority order. Only choose majors in which you are truly interested. If you are admitted, we cannot guarantee you would be able to switch from the alternative major into the major you originally requested on your application. Typically, majors that are in very high demand at the admission stage also have limited capacity for enrolled students seeking to switch.

Sagar, although we are not able to admit you to the major you chose on your application, we hope you will request admission to an alternative major. Earning a Purdue degree is a meaningful achievement that can open doors throughout your life.

If you have any questions about this decision or academic options that may be available to you at Purdue, don’t hesitate to contact the Office of Admissions. Our counselors are eager to assist you in exploring your options.

Kind regards,
Mitch Warren
Director of Admissions

This is exactly me right now. What happened in the end?