<p>KochAndPepsi, very sorry to hear about your situation!! As Alex pointed out, Stanford is definitely a reach imho!! Since your safety is VT, If I may suggest, perhaps give the nearby Ohio State Honors Engineering Program a try. You fit perfect based on your academic stats and cultural background. Columbus welcomes Hispanics, and TOSU welcomes diversity. In addition, the school is extremely generous towards OOS students, and offers a handful of merit scholarships / aids - roughly a third of the student body is now made up of OOS students.</p>
<p>Ohio State Merits Scholarships</p>
<p>Info: [Scholarships[/url</a>]</p>
<p>**Columbus Hispanics increase 158% **</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://columbustelegram.com/news/local/article_77901a60-44de-11e0-a880-001cc4c03286.html]Columbus”>http://columbustelegram.com/news/local/article_77901a60-44de-11e0-a880-001cc4c03286.html]Columbus</a> Hispanics increase 158%](<a href=“Merit-based scholarships - The Ohio State University”>Merit-based scholarships - The Ohio State University)</p>
<p>Students First, Students Now</p>
<p>"Introduced by President E. Gordon Gee in December 2008, Students First was a university-wide initiative designed to ensure continued access to education for Ohio State students. Because many families experienced financial hardships due to the recent recession, the university has strived to help students enter Ohio State and stay enrolled once they arrive.</p>
<p>As part of the far-reaching commitment of the Students First initiative, a fundraising drive called Students First, Students Now was implemented on January 1, 2009. It concluded on June 30, 2011, surpassing its initial goal of $100 million."</p>
<p>Source: [Office</a> of Development - The Ohio State University](<a href=“http://giveto.osu.edu/areastosupport/studentsfirststudentsnow/index.html]Office”>http://giveto.osu.edu/areastosupport/studentsfirststudentsnow/index.html)</p>
<p>Written by “Dsine” regarding to Honors Engineering Program on 04-17-2011, 01:22 PM</p>
<p>"OSU definitely.</p>
<p>They are revamping their programs and it should be even better than ever when the quarter to semester change is completed. There are awesome faculty, facilities, and it really doesn’t feel that big. I came from a super small high school and I feel right at home in the OSU Engineering program. Plus, being from OSU has been great for finding internships (except last summer as a freshman, but that is to be expected… especially with the economy in its state), but this summer I was offered ~4 positions, partially thanks to the fact that OSU is so well respected.</p>
<p>The faculty is super helpful as well, and midway fall quarter they have ‘program visits’ where you can hear a talk from one of the top faculty members of each of the engineering disciplines, and that’s how as a freshman I met my current advisor.
The resources are definitely there if you want them.</p>
<p>The Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors (freshman engineering) is also excellent, but I’ve also heard great things about the scholars programs as well.</p>
<p>I’ve never had any professors that I couldn’t understand (maybe a few TAs, but OSU does a good job of having you comment on TAs at the end of the quarter, and one that I had was no longer a TA as ‘clarity of voice’ is one of the categories)"</p>
<p>Latest Update: [“President</a> Obama visits Ohio State” - The Ohio State University](<a href=“http://www.osu.edu/features/2012/obamavisit]"President”>http://www.osu.edu/features/2012/obamavisit)</p>