<p>was denied at my top choice school (George Washington University) and because everyone had been telling me that it would be a safety, I didn't look seriously at other schools. BIG MISTAKE!</p>
<p>About myself...
- My mother had schizophrenia and was forcefully put into mentally facilities to get help (by police and others) throughout my life. This has always been a problem. She even once did not let me go to school when I was kid because she was afraid that I would be killed by "them" if I went to school.</p>
<p>-I come from a low-income family. My father is an immigrant. I have had to work over 20 hours per week at a legal aid office in order to help support my family.</p>
<p>-I had an acute case of bronchitis my freshman year that caused me to miss 1 month of school.</p>
GPA Unweighted 3.5 Very bad freshman year
Weighted GPA (10-12) 4.0</p>
<p>My class rank is bad because of the difficulties I had early on.</p>
<p>HUGE upward trend in grades that is consistent- 3.0 Freshman year 3.5 sophomore 4.33-5 junior year</p>
<p>Took 7 APs so far, including senior year. A's in all.</p>
<p>Took UCLA Political Science undergrad course- A</p>
<p>SATs- 1880 combined (1830 from single sitting) Essay:12
SAT II US History- 800</p>
Founder and President of Nat'l Assoc. of Young Libertarians (527 Political Association) 100s members over many states.</p>
<p>Founder and President of a Non-Profit Organization- Youth for Digital Prog. Foundation-- send computer donations worldwide</p>
<p>Model United Nations-- Awards for Best Delegate worldwide</p>
<p>Prestigious law firm internship</p>
<p>Worked at legal aid office for 22 hours/week- Mother doesn't due to schizophrenia. I am a MAJOR wage earner for my family and help my father pay rent/bills.</p>
<p>School Newspaper writer</p>
<p>Both parents did not go to college</p>
<p>Make a Wish Foundation and Hospital Volunteer</p>
<p>Both letters of recommendation- teachers say I am "top in their career". History teacher says I show evidence of a readiness of college level work that no other student experienced (his other students this year have been accepted to Stanford, Harvard and Georgetown).</p>
<p>My essays are absolutely superb and will make me stand out from any other student.</p>
<p>So with all this and the difficulties and misery my life has been, I am very afraid I will not get into a good college. My intended major is political science, I only want to get into the best school possible. PLEASE HELP ME DECIDE!</p>