Denied at UCSD.. Any hope for UCLA?

<p>My friend got denied frm SD just based on the normal progression of things (i.e not considering stats) do ppl who get denied at SD usually get denied at LA?? I know UCLA is ranked way way higher but has anyone heard any exceptions? He doesn’t really care… he’ll prob got to UCI anyway…</p>

<p>im guessing thats a no LOL</p>

<p>i read somewhere on here about someone denied at UCSD but admitted to UCLA. it's completely possible, just depends on how your essays are since UCSD doesn't really give credit to your essays.</p>

<p>Well I got denied to SB but I got into SD so anything's possible!</p>

<p>Dude last year at my school almost half the kids who matriculated to UCLA for this year were actually rejected from UCSD. There's definitely hope if the essay makes the admissions officers cry.</p>

<p>They are not related, so yes, you have a shot. Each just accepts based off of different criteria/requirements. Good luck.</p>

<p>Of course there's a shot at UCLA - there's a point system involved with UCSD that puts mostly everything on GPA and standardized tests - as the others have said, UCLA will take more into account everything else on your application, but don't be fooled: UCLA may say that they take everything else into account, but the grades and SATs have to be there, as shown by their stats on collegeboard. I'm in the same situation, so I know how it feels. Good luck! (Decisions tomorrow)</p>

<p>i'm in the same boat.</p>

<p>i didn't really wanna go to ucsd... but the rejection has definitely brought down my confidence about ucla.</p>

<p>For</a> an illegal immigrant, getting into UCLA was the easy part - Los Angeles Times</p>

<p>Yes. rejected sd. appealed accepted. reject la. accept berkeley fall</p>

<p>Yes, yes, yes. Anything is possible. Also, UCSD has a strict formula, while UCLA uses a more holistic approach.</p>

<p>UCLA's holistic approach isn't as holistic as some people make it out to be; almost 90% of admissions decisions are made based on academic statistics (the freshman admissions profiles on UCLA's website).</p>

<p>However, UCLA looks at your fully weighted GPA (a point for honors/ap for every honors/ap class) while UCSD only looks at capped (a point for honors/ap up to 8 semesters of honors/ap classes). So kids who took tougher classes and did well will benefit.</p>

<p>For example, the kid whose fully weighted and UC GPAs are 4.1 and 4.2 will have a better shot at UCSD than a kid whose GPAs are 4.0 and 4.3, respectively. But if those same kids are looked at by UCLA, the one with the 4.3 will look better.</p>

<p>I've heard a lot of people rejected from UCSD that got into Berkeley, if that makes you feel a little better. Not so much LA though...</p>