Dentists Near Campus

<p>Looking for a recommendation for a dentist near campus (for emergency purposes). While we will schedule our cleanings, etc when our son is at home, I’d like to have a local name and number just in case.</p>

<p>I have not used her, but Dr. Jennifer Dickson is a dentist in Tuscaloosa. She is an advisor for my sorority, and that is what I know her through. Very sweet!</p>

<p>We’ve lived in Tuscaloosa since '94 and have used this dentist for years. Absolutely love him!!! Right on campus – btw location had nothing to do with our decision to visit him. We went off of recommendations from other locals to start with & stayed with him because he’s good, personable, & has a great staff too. (He even opened his office on a Saturday to deal with hubby’s dental emergency once.)</p>


<p>Dr. Jamie D. Johnson, DMD
1102 Hackberry Lane
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
(205) 349-4716</p>

Can anyone provide updated recommendations or experiences with these? Thank you! :smiley:

DS had routine cleanings at Dr. Rodney Goins (205-752-5400). His office is close to campus and he was able to get appointments at a convenient time. The main reason for choosing him was that he is a provider for our insurance.

DS had treatment from Jennifer Dickson DMD last January. I’ve been pestering him since Christmas break to schedule an annual check up. Her office sees patients Mondays-Thursdays 8AM-4PM. web site is under capstone dental care.