Departmental Scholarships

i received my presidential scholarship offer just yesterday and accepted it, but was curious if departmental scholarships would have appeared under that same scholarship tab as well. I was expecting that I would probably get something from the culverhouse school of commerce, so this is a bit of a dissapointment. Has anyone received a departmental scholarship, preferably someone who is attending the business school, yet? Or does anyone know whether that would come separately?

I would Like to know this too for my DD and my niece.

My son’s engineering scholarship was visible on the tab.

Income frosh dept scholarships, with the exception of engineering, tend to go to students who didn’t get the big scholarships…probably as an effort to spread some money around or capture a high-stats student who may have applied after the Dec deadline or someone who has a top GPA and an impressive resume, but isn’t a great test-taker. I’m not saying that it’s impossible to get one while holding the Presidential, it’s just not that likely.

Not sure but I think many of scholarships for Culverhouse are for continuing students…ones that are actually in the Bschool. Unless somethings have changed, I don’t think incoming frosh are actually in the Bschool. Aren’t incoming frosh who want to be in the Bschool first placed in A&S?

@mom2collegekids I think you are right. Oh well…

I don’t know about Culverhouse, but my ds was awarded a physics dept scholarship as an incoming freshman.

There are incoming Freshman who are direct admit to Culverhouse. My dd who is a first year was a direct admit. I do think that all of the Culverhouse scholarships are for upperclassmen/continuing students. The deadline for those just passed.