Depositing questions

<p>when i submit the enrollment deposit, will i be able to submit the housing deposit immediately? and is the deposit credited towards tuition? if so, if i have a scholarship, could the deposit instead be used for housing, book, etc? thanks :)</p>

<p>Yes, you should be able to submit the housing deposit immediately after.</p>

<p>The enrollment deposit just goes on your account. Pretty much everything (except books) is just a running total of charges and deposits. Each “line item” will have a name, but the whole thing is just a running total per semester.</p>

<p>ok cool. thanks!</p>

<p>ill probably pay the deposit this month, or if time gets in the way, early next month…there’s no reason to delay any further than that</p>

<p>“budget crisis solved” in CA will mean higher tuition anyways (cause cuts will have to be made and taxes may have to be raised)…i doubt anything will change in our poor state for at least 10 years…and even then im sure there’s enough demand that the UCs can just sit on their higher tuition rates and use it to build stuff…when has anyone ever lowered tuition rates? lol</p>

<p>UCSB is still a wonderful school, but it isnt as attractive as it was in the past…the college of creative studies is becoming very selective…a typical freshman calc class has 150 kids!..the cost of living here is high…and i dont want to commute…</p>

<p>arguably alabama is a step down, but they have better class sizes, updated dorms, honors opportunities, nice facilities, and a ton of majors and minors…besides i want to visit a new place, esp. one that would normally give me a little anxiety</p>

<p>anyways that’s the end of my rant :D</p>

<p>I have a question about the enrollment deposit as well.</p>

<p>I went to my app status and it says “Enrollment Deposit” recieved Nov. 29. </p>

<p>Is that the Freshman Enrollment Deposit or another fee? It seems pretty obvious but I just want to make sure before I apply for housing…</p>


If having better class sizes updated dorms, honors opportunities, nice facilities, and a ton of majors and minors is a step down, perhaps one should reconsider the basis of the argument.</p>

<p>My son attended a top flight college prep academy and he reports that he is more than sufficiently challenged and enriched by the UA curriculum. Dr. Witt has this university on an ascending trajectory and the profs (as well as the honors students) aren’t saying, “Hey, we’re UA, not UC. Let’s dumb down the curriculum.”</p>

<p>As a UC grad who’s now seen the renaissance that’s going on at Bama, I don’t feel my son has made anything close to a step down. In my view, he’s made a step in the right direction.</p>

<p>no i was talking about a step down in rankings and reputation. i think the two universities have similar student outcomes…so i doubt UA is worse than any UC…it’s certainly better than quite a few of them :)</p>

<p>I know that we’ve been very impressed by the level of academics for our sons’ courses.</p>

<p>i assure you guys that by no means was i trying to degrade alabama’s academics…</p>

<p>No worries, siglio. We know you weren’t trying to degrade UA. After all, you’re about to become one of us, right? :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>yeah haha :)</p>

<p>Hmm, that almost sounds like a commitment. :slight_smile: I think it’s awesome that you have the courage and foresight to choose a place that might normally cause a little anxiety for you.</p>