<p>I'm curious about what everyone is like on this site! Because right now, I just have a vision of a lot of nerds. ;)</p>
<p>(Ethnicity, Gender)
Height, Weight:
Hair Color, Hair length:
Body Type:
Rating (rate yourself on your hotness from 1 to 10, 10 being extremely hot):
Stereotype (jock, nerd, prep; put all that apply):
Rank in Class:
Describe your personality if you want:</p>
<p>There’s the CC Facebook group for that.</p>
<p>Oh, do we really have a facebook group?</p>
5’8" …130 lbs.
blondeish hair little longer than shoullder length
one blue eye one green eye
skinny but curves?
idk what i would rate me kinda high i guess
preppy jock… but can be bro hoe
8th in class</p>
<p>Yep PM me if you want it, since CC doesn’t allow us to post links. >.></p>
<p>^^I wish I had two different colored eyes.</p>
<p>(Chinese, Female)
Height, Weight: 5’7”, ~125 pounds
Hair Color, Hair length: Straight, black with natural brown highlights, down to middle of back, pretty thick
Eyes: Brown, almost black
Body Type: Athletic
Rating (rate yourself on your hotness from 1 to 10, 10 being extremely hot): ehhh 7.
Stereotype (jock, nerd, prep; put all that apply): Jock, nerd, and I guess I hang with the preps
Sports/clubs/ECs: Swim team; math team, Science Olympiad, newspaper, student council, art club
Rank in Class: 2/571</p>
<p>Haha me too!</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Ethnicity is mostly Hispanic.
Gender: M
Height, Weight: 5’8.5", 115
Hair color/length: Brown, kind of long but not too long.
Eyes: Brownish-green
Body Type: Pretty skinny but not too skinny. I benched 150 lbs. as a freshman so ya.
Rating: 6
Stereotype: Nerdish I guess
Sports/clubs/ECs: I played football my freshman year (hated it…) as well as JV tennis, I played JV and Varsity Tennis last year as a sophomore, and I am on Varsity Tennis for next year. I played baseball up until my freshman year and was really good, I would always hit it really far even though I’m relatively small. I do Boy Scouts and just finished my Eagle Project, I’m starting up a Book club next year and joining the Math and Science Club, Spanish Club, and hopefully the Newspaper Club.
Rank: Let’s not go there. I should be ranked in the top 1% but I kind of ruined my rank my freshman year. My school doesn’t weight GPA’s so it sucks pretty bad. I’m having a hard time getting in the top 10% but I should be by the time I apply.
Personality: Shy until you get to know me. I’m nice I guess, and am easily entertained. :-)</p>
<p>white gurl
Height, Weight: 113?, 5’11
Hair Color, Hair length: blonde long
Eyes: blue green
Body Type: thin athletic
Rating (rate yourself on your hotness from 1 to 10, 10 being extremely hot): 10
Stereotype (jock, nerd, prep; put all that apply): shagnasty
Sports/clubs/ECs: my appearance? haha basketball lacrosse ballet and random suckish clubs because i’m too cool for school
Rank in Class: we don’t do that, but my appearance stands unaffected
Describe your personality: super</p>
<p>i forgot to say ima girl haha</p>
<p>I’m an overweight, extremely ugly fifty-year-old man. My hair is thinning and I’ve reached the point where you can’t distinguish my gender by appearance. I love long walks by the beach and candle-scented baths.</p>
<p>Any takers?
<p>Goodness. Hahaha.</p>
<p>^^^Whoaa. And I always thought you were black. Must be the location. (not stereotyping at all)</p>
<p>(Ethnicity, Gender): White Male
Height, Weight: 5’9", 120 pounds
Hair Color, Hair length: blond, medium
Eyes: hazel
Body Type: slim
Rating (rate yourself on your hotness from 1 to 10, 10 being extremely hot): 8.5
Stereotype (jock, nerd, prep; put all that apply): im like the smart athletic kid
Sports/clubs/ECs: track, boys volleyball
Rank in Class: 1st
Describe your personality if you want: shy around some people, outgoing around others. I try my best and sometimes can be annoyed easily but i try to be a good person</p>
<p>Umm. White, female
5’7 115lbs
Light blond hair, long
Bluish, greenish, greyish eyes(change colors)
Body type: slim/athletic
Stereotype: Preppy dumb blond(but I’m not really dumb)
Sports: varsity cross country, varsity squash, varsity fencing, varsity indoor track, varsity lacrosse
ECs: amnesty international, habitat for humanity, Model UN
Personality: pretty outgoing, sympathetic, goofy:)</p>
<p>^^oops. Class rating:top 5… Not quite sure at the moment because it changes a lot.</p>
<p>Umm. Indian male
5’7 120lbs
black hair; I’ll be doing a mohawk freshman year of college
Black eyes
Body type: skinny. Currently working on arms
Stereotype: Smart indian nerd but can also be chill because i love to listen to rap with my friends.
Sports: None. I played tennis but quit; it wasn’t for me
ECs: quiz bowl,debate, and research
Personality: very clumsy, fun to be with, am kind of shy at first (you have to get to know me ), very flexible in terms of the kinds of fun things to do (i don’t mind getting tipsy of booze, getting lightheaded from hookah, or taking a puff from ciggs)
Rank: Is this really important? I see it as unnecessary. But if you wanna know, Im salutatorian.</p>
<p>Any takers?</p>
<p>(White, Girl)
5’3.5", 105 pounds
Long curly dark brown hair
dark blue/gray eyes
somewhat athletic body. not a jock, but fit.
Rating: 5? 6? average. potentially mildly attractive.
Stereotype: kinda preppy but normal?
Sports/clubs/ECs: Soccer, Dance, Crew, Community Service Club, JSA, GSA, Technical Theatre, environmental club
Rank in Class: i have no idea
eccentric nice normal girl. slightly preppy, unique. intelligent, outspoken, knows a lot of random facts. shy at first, but loud and wild when comfortable in surroundings. likes to philosophize.</p>
<p>@redivorys, I just wanted the rank so I know that you’re not just some really hot, dumb person.</p>
<p>(Ethnicity, Gender): Korean, Female
Height, Weight: 5’0 - I wish I wasn’t so short ): It sucks … 92 lbs
Hair Color, Hair length: Black/dark brown, a few inches past my shoulders
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: Skinny
Rating (rate yourself on your hotness from 1 to 10, 10 being extremely hot): Well, I’m not photogenic at all so I hate being photographed :-\ But I wouldn’t call myself ugly. I think I have a slight self-esteem issue so my rating probably doesn’t reflect an accurate rating … Let’s go with 6.
Stereotype (jock, nerd, prep; put all that apply): If you’d look at my extra curriculars, you’d think I’m a nerd
But I’m pretty chill actually. I don’t do sports because of issues with rides, making the meets, paperwork, etc. Although I’ve always wanted to
I guess I’m a mixture of nerdy, preppy, and normal (?)
Sports/clubs/ECs: I’ve done knitting for fun … (Hey, it’s relaxing!), FBLA, Friends of Rachel
(making the world a better, kinder place type of club), Math Team, Environmental Club, Key Club, National Honor Society.
Rank in Class: Within the 10% out of 550+ student body
Describe your personality if you want: I can be quite shy around people I don’t know and quiet in class if my friends aren’t in it. I’m nice :)</p>
<p>^watch out for MIThopeful, he might stalk you from now on.</p>