Design Major! Chances and Portfolio Help?

<p>Hey, I'm a senior in high school and I'm finishing up my applications, sans some of the portfolio, as I still want to be more selective in what I send.</p>

<p>As of now, the schools I'm aiming for are Pratt, UT (in state), and possibly SVA.</p>

<p>SAT: 1980
GPA (weighted): 3.98
Rank: 2nd quartile (HIGHLY competitive IB school)</p>

<p>Other possibly important credentials
- I won 1st in Texas in desktop publishing (I still have no idea how much this means to schools, but it was in a competition of about 1000 other Texas students)
- Graphics editor for school yearbook (2 years)</p>

<p>Now, for UT, I'm required to submit specific things for my portfolio, including multiple live drawings and sculptures. This is where I'm worried the most. I've been working hard since I found out, but I haven't taken an art class since 7th grade. I'm naturally decent at it, but I wouldn't be Pratt or SVA material based on it alone. How much will it hurt me if my actual design work is pretty good, but my physical art isn't as excellent?</p>

<p>Here are some of the things I'm considering for my portfolio as of now. What are your recommendations for the open ended portfolios that Pratt and SVA have? Should I only submit my strong points, or should I aim for diversity?</p>

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(I have more but I need to upload them at some point)</p>

<p>Also, do any of you know much about SAIC’s design program? It used to be towards my top choices with Pratt, but I’ve recently heard its design isn’t as great as its other fine art sections</p>


<p>I’m not a design expert but I think I can help a little bit. Firstly, your stats are good and that should help open a few doors. Second, your photography is okay but not outstanding but you should be able to use your photos as design elements in a portfolio.</p>

<p>My best advice for you would be:
1.) Go to the design departments of each of the schools you want to apply to and look at the students work.
2.) Cyber-stalk the professor’s work from these departments.
3.) Look at all of the students and professors work for inspiration.
4.) Use your existing photos but now add design elements using trick #3 above.</p>

<p>Doing these 4 steps will probably take you a weekend but IMO you will be able to offer a better portfolio.</p>

<p>Like I said, I’m not a design expert but I think this plan would help you.</p>

<p>Best of luck,

<p>thanks, the photos aren’t my strong point, haha. Those are honestly there just to add another medium and more experimentation. I’ll be trying to sell them on my design, not the photos. The schools generally do want so variety, though, thus the pictures. I don’t want to turn them into design pieces so that they are clearly not design. You know?</p>

<p>Any more advice or information? It’s appreciated :)</p>