Design Your Dream Schedule

<p>If you could formulate your own dream high school schedule from the 9th grade through the 12th grade, what would it be? Include as many classes as realistically possible:
You must have 1 science, math, English, history and foreign language class a year</p>

<p>I will begin: All of the classes are college level except the first two of 9th grade.</p>

<p>9th Grade:
1) Science- One semester of Biology and one Semester of Chemistry
2) Math- One semester of Algebra II and one semester of precalc
3) History- AP World
4) English- AP Language
5) Language- Chinese
6) AP Statistics
7) AP Government
8) AP Macro/Microeconomics
9) AP Comparative Gov and Politics </p>

<p>10th Grade:
1) One semester Neuroscience/One Semester Physics
2) AP Calc BC
4) AP Euro
5) AP Literature
6) Chinese
7) Organic Chem
8) Sociology
9) One Semester Astronomy/One Semester Meteorology</p>

<p>11th Grade:
1) Astrophysics
2) Rocket Science
3) Linear Algebra
4) AP Computer Science
5) Number, Graph and Probability Theory
6) Chinese
7) Criminology
8) Shakespearian English
9) A History of the World Through Revolutions</p>

<p>12th Grade:
1) Multivariable Calculus
2) AP Chinese
3) From Alchemy to Zoology: The History of Science
4) The Works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
5) The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Dynasties
6) Biochemistry
7) DNAology
8) Game Theory
9) The History of Mathematics</p>

<p>To be honest, I’d drop all APs.</p>

<p>Freshman Year -
0) Chemistry

  1. French
  2. Algebra
  3. Biology
  4. World History
  5. Choir (instead of Orchestra - gaggg)
  6. English</p>

0) Yoga

  1. Chem
  2. Precal
  3. English
  4. Uhhh, Asian History?
  5. French
  6. Web Design</p>


  1. Calc
  2. Physics
  3. English
  4. US History
  5. French
  6. Yoga</p>


  1. English
  2. Stats
  3. Yoga
  4. Ooh. AP Physics, probably.
  5. AP Gov
  6. Psychology</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m a slacker. I know.</p>

<p>This is my dream schedule</p>


  1. Chemistry Lab class (ONLY)
  2. Geometry
  3. Literature
  4. Japanese
  5. Ancient civilizations
  6. Swim class</p>

<p>(do the above classes again sophomore year except harder)</p>


  1. Geometry II
    2)Japanese II
  2. Ancient History
  3. Ancient Literature
    5)Modern Lit
  4. Literature
  5. English
  6. Design your own lab 101
  7. Swim</p>

<p>and I want those classes again senior year.

Algebra 2
Spanish II
Global History
Boring English Class
Studio Art class</p>

Pre Calc
Spanish III
AP World
Boring English Class
One semester of Architecture, and one of some graphic kind of art</p>

AP Calc BC
Spanish IV
AP Chemistry
US History
AP Psych
AP Eng Lang
Culinary Arts</p>

Some sort of college math
Spanish V
AP Physics
Organic Chemistry
One semester Poetry and one semester of Drama (English)
World Religions
AP Euro</p>

<p>How boring am I lol</p>

AP Human Geo
Alg II/Precalc
Honors Physics
Honors Chem
Honors Latin 1
AP Environmental Science
AP World
English Honors</p>

AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP Chemistry
English Honors
Latin II Honors
AP US History
AP Comparative Gov</p>

Calculus III
Quantum Physics
Special Relativity
Advanced Astronomy
Latin III Honors
AP English Lang
Organic Chemistry
Advanced Ecology</p>

Waves and Optics
Advanced Newtonian Mechanics
History of Mathematics
AP Lit
AP Latin
Advanced Theoretical Physics
Theories of everything</p>

<p>The following is according to what my school requires and allows:</p>

<p>9th grade (not too many options):
Honors English 1
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Biology
French 1
Fitness for Life (P.E.)
Health (semester)</p>

<p>10th grade:
AP World History
AP Biology
Honors English 2
Honors Pre Calculus
Honors Chemistry
French 2

<p>11th grade:
AP English Language and Composition
AP U.S. History
AP Calculus AB (school requires AB before BC for Juniors)
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
French 3

<p>12th grade:
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Microeconomics / Honors Government
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Environmental Science (no Physics C)
AP French
AP Art History</p>

<p>You guys are all nerds. My ideal schedule includes at least three free periods a year.</p>

<p>…Are you guys serious.</p>

<p>In a perfect world I would take 15 AP’S AND 5 COLLEGE CLASSES because that’s what gives my life meaning and joy.</p>

<p>Adv Surround Self with Asian Girls 5
AP Sex
Free Period
Differential Equations
AP Pick Up</p>

<p>Well, OP did say include core classes.</p>

<p>1st Period: Journalism
2nd Period: Wind Ensemble
3rd Period: Philosophy
4th Period: Dance
5th Period: Lunch
6th Period: Lunch
7th Period: Psychology
8th Period: Select Chorus
9th Period: AP Life</p>

<p>Double period Lunch for the hells to the yeah.</p>