Desperate - Pomona = absolute dream school

I'm freaking out and I applied RD.</p>

<p>ACT: 32 (no SAT or SAT II submitted)
Rank: 5/240 or so
GPA: 3.96 (only two Bs)</p>

<p>Taken almost hardest classes possible (3 APs last yr, 4 this yr), all honors and AP english, Calc BC, 4 yrs French; only downside is no AP sciences even though we do offer them :(</p>

Pretty involved with church stuff, teach sunday school there
Actively involved in three sports. Am captain of two teams, have placed in top 40 at state for one event, have placed 2nd in districts in another event. Not a recruited athlete.
French Club
Orchestra - principal viola (but no awards or anything)</p>

<p>Location: Ohio</p>

<p>What do you think? Chances? I really wanna go to Pomona!</p>

<p>Hey, join the club! Everyone here on this forum is dying to go to Pomona.</p>

<p>Your rank and ACT seem pretty strong, but may not be strong enough to make you a shoo in. Your location helps, for geographical diversity. I don't think they have many applicants from Ohio.</p>

<p>What is your sport? And why are you not a recruited athlete?</p>

<p>I'm not sure I can really judge your chance based on several paragraphs online. Are you an active student who loves to participate? Are your teacher recs strong? What do you plan on majoring in, or what is your area of interest?</p>

<p> recs are probably good. Not great, but good. And I applied as a physics major. Also, I'm not recruited because I don't want to play a varsity sport in college - wouldn't mind IM though.</p>