Did any deferred students get accepted yet?

My status is still “deferred to Reg Consideration” and hasn’t even changed back to “Under Review.” If any of you have been admitted, what are your stats, and when did your status change?

Thanks everyone!

ik some schools say they wont guarantee that ur app will be reviewed again for RD — but if ur on CC and u applied to SUNY Binghampton, ur probably going to get in so dont fret lol

anyone hear from SOM?

I know this doesn’t really help you @nj1818, but I also am waiting for Binghamton’s decision. I was deferred from EA and still have the same status as you.

This waiting time is really killing me since people from my school that applied RD have already been accepted!! :neutral_face:

Originally EA deferred, D got into SOM the other day.

27 ACT (28 Super)
GPA - 3.9
Excellent essay, 4 yr Varsity sport, this year Captain, some work/volunteer
references I would assume are very good

Congrats! I was also accepted on Monday to Harpur :slight_smile:

Does anybody know if deferred students are hearing back yet? I’ve been deferred and my status still says, “Deferred to Reg Decision” :frowning:

I was deferred and haven’t heard back yet

I was deferred and still have yet to hear back.

I hope the schools sent you all emails letting you know how the deferrals will be handled.

still waiting too… :frowning:

Daughter still waiting but just because she’s curious. After falling in love with another school (albeit out of state but with generous scholarship) as well as feeling like just a number during the admission process at Binghamton, reading about the recent hazing scandal and doing some research on their sciences (biology) she has committed somewhere else.

Im very confused…My Admission Type says FR Early Action no prev coll c and my application status says decision made…i am very confused with this. Anyone else’s say the same? I was deferred EA and am awaiting a decision

@2cassandra2 Same here. I am assuming I was rejected.

Perhaps you were accepted, but not to the school of your choice? @2cassandra2‌ @simuni

Wonder why Binghamton can’t post what the decision is rather than just Decision Made. They really like to drag things out.

I was accepted yesterday, if you try the pay the deposit page it’ll tell you what school you are accepted to

Changed to decision made late yesterday. Was EA. Can’t log on to payment portal so assuming was rejected. They called guidance counselor last week asking if would accept Harpur instead of SOM and told them no so probably rejected now.