<p>I'm no crazy student taking 15 APs with a 5.1/4.0 W GPA and 2390 SAT, but I still applied.</p>
<p>Hey - they want diversity, right? Well I feel that the "only somewhat above average" kids are a minority, hahahah :P</p>
<p>I don't expect to be admitted, but hey- crazier things have happened.</p>
<p>Anyone else with stats like mine?</p>
<p>2180 SAT/34 ACT/90 GPA + ECs with leadership. No hook but some good essays.</p>
<p>The chance I think I have: 1% (I.E. they put me in the wrong pile) but who cares hehe</p>
<p>I am in a very similar position: I have a 2130 and a 3.77 UW/4.0 (rank top 10% bc I go to a really rigorous private school) and my strength is definitely in ECs inside and outside of school with a lot of leadership and continuity. I also think my essays are pretty good and definitely a strength but I highly doubt I’ll get in. I even had my interview today and I was one of the first people out, but I am already into a really good school (UChicago) and I’m applying to some other schools that aren’t crazy reaches (Penn, Cornell) so we will see. I definitely feel like a have a very small chance but you never know.</p>
<p>good luck!!!</p>
<p>Don’t worry, IwannagotoBC. I have a 2100 on the SATs but I have a hook (URM). Good luck, though! You may be surprised ;-).</p>
<p>hey, I’m applying next yr., but I’m not genius either. I have mid 90s grades, but in a grade inflated crappy public school where if your half smart you get high 80s/low 90s for sure. </p>
<p>Would playing high school baseball, high school hockey, reffing ice hockey (in Canada, real intense here lol), umping baseball, playing in one of the best baseball leagues in Canada (for kids under 19), and other volunteering make me stand out? They will probably find out the crappy school I go to and not be impressed, plus im an international applicant and I DONT have any crazy awards and accomplishments like others…haven’t gone to the moon or anything else that these crazy applicants have done lol</p>
<p>most of my best accomplishments are outside the classroom…have you ever heard of an INDIAN kid being one of the best baseball catchers in Michigan? I don’t think so ahah. But yea, I don’t have any academic awards outside of school so I feel like I have no chance. No AP, no IB, nothing.</p>
<p>You guyyyysss, haha! Don’t worry about it. If Harvard’s truly your passion and you showed that through your application, then there’s no need to worry. Ivys, from what I understand, are really good about the fact that numbers are indeed just that - numbers. People with perfect scores and grades will get rejected, and people with somewhat less than perfect scores and grades will be accepted. Each candidate’s different, you know? =]] If you put everything you are into your application, then just leave it at that. There’s nothing we can do, right? XD</p>
<p>I’m nowhere near perfect myself. But I do NOT wanna stress myself to the brink of insanity by worrying about it. If I get in, I’ll be more ecstatic than I’ve ever been in my whole life. If I don’t, maybe I wasn’t right for Harvard. You know? =] It wasn’t that I could’ve gotten 30 points higher on my SAT or something haha. Their decisions are a little bit broader in scope than that :D</p>
<p>Haha I’m in the same boat, but I come from an area that offers VERY limited resources to students. Who knows, maybe my rural location will be a hook. I don’t really know but I’m definitely not exceptional.</p>
<p>yea, I’m not exceptional. I really stand out in my school, but It’s Canada…enough said haha. And not even the Toronto or British Columbia area, I live across the border from Detroit…once again enough said lmao. </p>
<p>I’m applying next year just in hopes of getting in, but my life isn’t gonna depend on the decision. If I don’t get in, then I go to UT Austin (Y)</p>
<p>I think it would make my parents really proud and it would be an amazing reward for balancing my sports, especially baseball in the summer and missing a lot of school, and my few, but very devoted ECs. I’m no NMF, Intel award thingy student, or anything like that. I just balance sports and school and a tonne of adults know me in my community due to all the things I do. I’m hoping a passionate essay and interview will help me out. Even with all that I figure I have a solid 1% chance to get in haha.</p>
<p>dear all of you: you are not “above average.” you are exceptional. 1700 on the SAT and an 85 GPA is “above average.” you are in the top three or so percent of students in the nation, and you ARE viable candidates to harvard. maybe you’re not exceptional by CC standards, but you are nonetheless. =) don’t think of yourselves as in the lower part of the applicant pool.</p>
<p>hope this helps. just a clarification.</p>
<p>I agree with tres elefantes. You have the stats to get into some of the top schools in the U.S. Will that include Harvard? Who knows? But it could include top 25 LACs and universities.</p>
<p>I second what Tres Elefantes said.
And apparently what Northstarmom said.</p>
<p>Same boat as you iwannagotoBc, 2240 SAT/3.9 GPA + ECs with leadership! But I was rejected Yale SCEA so I feel even more insignificant with a .5% chance of getting in. I mean honestly how many Yale SCEA rejectees were accepted at Harvard? But I gave it a shot!</p>
<p>Same here. I’m an Asian applying with 2010 SAT + passion in ECs. I got into Stanford SCEA (I think they put me in the wrong pile) already so I’m just applying crazy reach schools</p>
<p>Congrats colingray, that’s amazing! The Asian community looks up to your awesomeness.</p>
<p>I have a quick question. If I am an international applicant (live in Canada) and am Indian, does that slash my chances at Harvard twice? Once for being international and another for being Indian? I am a Canadian citizen, but does that make no difference since my ethnicity is Indian?</p>
<p>I don’t think ethnicity works against you as much as the people on this board like to make out. It will typically help URMs but it won’t hurt people that much. AKA they do URMs v. everyone else, not URMs/almost everyone else/Asians. </p>
<p>Your ethnicity makes little difference.</p>
<p>And Tres Elefantes is correct. CC has inflated standards. You don’t need a 2400, a 36, and a 4.0 to get into Harvard. I’m a bit above average for CC’s incredibly bloated standards, but I’ve been told that I’ve got a great shot at HYP, and I believe it.</p>
<p>Relax, guys.</p>
<p>I’m a freshman at Harvard and I don’t exactly “compare stats” with people but from what I can gather, plenty of people here were not at the top of their classes and did not cure some deadly disease. Relax.</p>
<p>Your right DwightEisenhower!!! i hate how everyone thinks I’ll get into my top schools automatically! Then I tell them I got rejected Yale sCEA which means worst 35% applicants and then they shut up!! College admissions are really a crap shot. I think it usually the above- average students who actually get in but you never know!</p>
<p>Woo…above average kids unite - 3.75 UW (not top 10%…top 12% :()GPA right here with a 2220 SAT I, 2100 SAT II’s (combined). Meh, I tried to reform my school district and am still working on actually having some of my ideas implemented, yet I doubt that’s impressive at all compared to most Harvard applicants >_>.</p>
<p>when they asked you to approximate your rank if your school does not rank… what if you approximated wrong?
I basically guessed</p>
<p>^^^ I think I had the same problem!!! I hope it doesn’t really matter but you never know!!</p>