<p>I got a letter about Women in Engineering to attend some event. Did everyone get this/ is this a likely letter?</p>
<p>I didn’t get one. 34 ACT, UC GPA like 4.13(not really sure), OOS.</p>
<p>random ass letters they send out mean ****. In 2007, summer sessions had sent many of us and email about signing up for classes; some people who got in did not get the email and some people who did not get in got the email.</p>
<p>Meaning of the story: these emails are indicative of nothing.</p>
<p>thank leftishomind. that makes me feel a little better. my stats are alone the lines of quantize as well and i did not get one…</p>
<p>i want to know too… i did get the letter but i live in MD so if its just a general invitation there is no way im trying to get there, its not even during spring break…</p>
<p>i didn’t get one. 31 ACT/4.3 something UC GPA OOS</p>
<p>It has nothing to do with a likely letter.</p>
<p>Oooo! This is reminding me of last years letters. I have to add a link to that thread.</p>
<p>Okay, it was different but still fun (at least in retrospect)!</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-berkeley/448959-so-uhh-anyone-else-get-ucb-math-science-engineering-coalition-email.html?highlight=science+engineering[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-berkeley/448959-so-uhh-anyone-else-get-ucb-math-science-engineering-coalition-email.html?highlight=science+engineering</a></p>