Did anyone else pick this prompt?

<p>A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.</p>

<p>I get the feeling I could probably write a pretty good essay on this one, but I haven't the slightest on how to begin, how to end, and what to focus on. Call it a gut feeling, if you will (or stupidity if you're mean*). Or, if that makes you feel uncomfortable (as I've just now realized that this could be interpreted as some guy trying to plagiarize) maybe tell me what you did or focused on? I'm thinking of writing on how my grandfather traveled around China finally becoming a martial arts master and developing his own style and how learning his style shows my diversity or something. Not sure if that's a good topic though (might focus a bit more on another prompt, but not enough to justify doing that prompt.) Yeah, I'm confuzzled.</p>



<p>*Meanie. :(</p>

<p>Yeah I chose this one too. I wrote about the world I come from - so you should primarily write about yourself and no one else.</p>

<p>This is a little peek into my so called “brain”</p>

<li>what would I like to write about?</li>
<li>outline it (how many paragraphs? what should i put into each paragraph? does it flow? do I think it will work?)</li>
<li>go over it with a teacher/experienced person</li>
<li>with their approval, write a draft (or two. or three, or nine in my case.)</li>
<li>after it is done, now decide what category it falls in</li>
<li>revise your essay to fit that topic.</li>

<p>haha, that’s my way of tackling an essay.
The long wait to write your draft will give you time to decide if this is a good prompt to write about. It would be a waste if you finished, and ended up not liking it (like me).</p>

<p>Yeah. I already finished another prompt and was like “this is terrible!” but couldn’t find any way to amend my essay. Very interesting process…so, tell me, do you think what I want to write about works? And I’ll try to limit how much I talk about my grandfather, too. Thanks for the advice! :)</p>