did anyone ever categorize all AP classes into types of memorizing or understanding ?

<p>the following is the class ive taken or am taking, i categorized them based on my personal opinion.</p>

<p>US: if u say its all about memorizing, then its wrong, i would say its half about understanding and half about memorizing, cuz the question won't ask u in 19XX wut happened, but why the thing happened in 19XX instead of 18XX.</p>

<p>Art: the exam(or i shouldn't call it an exam since ppl just turn in works done in the semesters) is ridiculous, cuz how it is graded is depended on the grading teachers, they maybe slightly consider YOUR art skill, but MORE is about THEIR aesthetics, so it contains lots personal factor, but still i will say it is about understanding(understanding what the grader's aesthetics is-_-)</p>

<p>ComSci A: If you know wut is programming, its about memorizing, if u dono about programming, then its about understanding.</p>

<p>Physics C: The calculation in this class is like 1 + 1 = 2, seriously(even the calculus part), but how do u get the 1 and another 1 is another thing---algebra. but NOTICE, algebra is not the most important part, the most important part is about how to set up the problems. how to choose the right formula, and how to get the thing u want. so obviously understing type</p>

<p>AP literature and composition: i suck at english so no comment. but i will say its kinda memorizing since vocab is the hardest part for me(i used to take a test and when the result came out i was shocked cuz i get all non-vocab parts right and all vocab parts wrong, vocab parts was like 25% of the test.....)</p>


<p>wut do u guys think about the class u take, explain ur reason. it might help ppl to take the right classes depending on the type of class</p>

<p>Comp Sci A - understanding. If you get programming, it's just a matter of familiarizing yourself with the syntax. If you already know several languages (I knew C, C++ and some BASIC beforehand), it'll be a breeze.</p>

<p>Bio - memorizing</p>

<p>Chem - understanding</p>

<p>Calc AB - understanding</p>

<p>Lang and Comp - understanding</p>

<p>Enviro Sci - memorizing</p>