Did anyone ever find out if the labs are cancelled for sure the week of fall break

<p>need to buy a plane ticket and i haven’t heard official word from anywhere.
asked the prof and he didn’t know either.</p>

<p>Which subjects are the labs in?</p>

<p>the one i am interested in in chem 101.</p>

<p>Email Erica Livingston, she’s the freshman lab coordinator and will definitely be able to answer your question:</p>

<p>[Erica</a> Livingston](<a href=“http://bama.ua.edu/~chem/people/supportstaff/livingston.html]Erica”>http://bama.ua.edu/~chem/people/supportstaff/livingston.html)</p>

<p>done. thanks.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>Could you post the answer she gives you here, so that all of us frosh in Chem 101 can know for sure? Without sending Erica a million and one emails :)</p>


<p>the answer is that they WILL have labs that week and the friday labs will have to make it up on nov. 19.</p>

<p>I can understand not having labs on the Friday when there’s no school, but why would they consider canceling labs on other days?</p>

<p>someone here had said that if any lab for a particular class was cancelled during the week, then ALL labs for that class were cancelled for the week. which is usually how it is handled. they said that they did it differently this year for the football related schedule change.</p>

<p>The syllabus that I got for CH 101 labs says that labs are cancelled only on Friday, October 29 for Fall Break and then for everyone else the labs of the week of November 15 have been cancelled so that the Friday labs can catch up.</p>