Did anyone get accepted for freshmen 09 yet?

<p>So it's November, which is when they start sending out some acceptances/denials. Did anyone hear anything yet?</p>

<p>And if you were either accepted or denied, please say your GPA and SAT's so people know what to expect. ><</p>

<p>Not yet :frowning:
They definitely start sending out replies now?
I’ve been checking every night…</p>

<p>ahhhh, i am so sick of waiting! I applied in early october!</p>

<p>applied online late september, had transcripts in late october. any clue on when people start hearing?</p>

<p>for those of you who submitted the personal statement, when you reviewed your answers, were all the paragraph breaks/indents removed?</p>

<p>wait wait, what is all this talk of rutgers not having rolling admissions?</p>

<p>Rutgers definitely still has rolling admissions. I don’t think they started looking at the Fall applicants yet. If I remember correctly, they start looking in about a week.
I also applied early October. :|</p>

<p>Just got my acceptance e-mail. Official packet is on the way. Applied in early October.
GPA: 4.1
SAT: 1470</p>

<p>Good luck guys!</p>

<p>Jeiku. nice job. but how early? like the teens or the single digits of october?</p>

<p>Wow jeiku, nice stats. Which school did you apply to, and did you get any scholarships?</p>

<p>And no, Rutgers is no longer rolling. Call them up and ask for yourselves.</p>

<p>yea its not rolling</p>

<p>Accepted today for college of arts and sciences as well as school of environmental and biological sciences. Applied on september 28th.</p>

<p>White Male
GPA: 3.498 (3.42 F, 3.46 S, 3.62 J) Unweighted 3.32. 14 Honors classes total
SAT: 1910 (M 660 V 650 W 600) Taking again in November
Class rank not released, but Im in a large public school which is 75th in the state
Out of over 700 students I am probably 125th(ish)
AP’s: AP Euro and AP Bio, both this year
Honors: All history and english courses have been honors, as well as two honors science classes, and 2 years of honors spanish. Gave spanish up after sophomore year to join IPLE which is an honors civics, and constitutional history class. So only 2 units of spanish, but 5.5 units of honors history classes.
Major: 1st: Bioengineering 2nd: Biological sciences
-Varsity Golf (County Champions 5 years running)
-Town Youth Council for community service 4 years
-Buddy Ball (handicaped baseball) volunteer 3 years
-School Band (percussion) 8 years
-Rutger’s Model Congress (2nd place, recognized for my pre-requisite paper)
Employment: Working for all four years as a waiter, an umpire, and a lifeguard</p>

<p>I heard back the 4th as a transfer, but if it helps I know my brother waited well into July to hear back. He had a 3.9 GPA and not sure of the exact number but I know his SAT’s where in the 1900…he was getting nervous because it took so long, hope you guys dont have to wait that long GL!</p>

<p>Uh…July is way too late. You’re supposed to tell them if you plan to go to RU or not by May 1st. July doesn’t make any sense. According to their site, they respond to you by February 28.</p>

<p>i just checked my status and i was accepted!</p>

<p>ACT 31, UW GPA 3.9
ecs –> a lot of sports/ captain of teams, investment club all four years, yearbook business manager, and some community service</p>

<p>When do I hear if I was offered any money?</p>

<p>congrats gophillies. when did you apply? try to give specific dates. thx</p>

<p>i sent my app online on october 12th and my counselor sent out my transcript on the 20th.</p>

<p>kk thats about the same time as me</p>

<p>i just got into rutgers business too!!!
um i have a 4.2 wgpa & 2100 sats.
i’m sorta confused though. i totally don’t remember what major i did, so like will they let me know?</p>

<p>nice! dates? did they email you just now? or… cause I applied to the business school as well.</p>