Did anyone get an email from any of the UC's to set up portal?

Asking because I have only just gotten an email from UCSC to set up my portal. No other UC’s have emailed yet.

UCB was surprisingly quick with a portal notification. Sent within 24 hours of application submission. UCSC email was sent today. Have not yet received portal information from UCD or UCSD yet. Hope this helps a little. :slight_smile:

UCSD/UCSB and UCD should send email instructions around Mid-December according to their timelines.

Davis sent out an email with portal information this afternoon.

D received emails from UCD and UCI today and Cal a few days ago. It’s getting REAL!

I received emails from Cal and UCD although Davis was for some reason in my spam folder. Did any other campuses send out emails yet? I haven’t heard from UCI…

D received email from UCI so far.

haven’t got one from UCI yet , got UCD nd UCSC

did anyone els get UCI? I’m a transfer student

Just received an email from UCLA as well!

Are u a transfer student ?

Did anyone els get any more emails so far I got one from UCR UCSC AND UCD

D first received email from UCSC, then yesterday from UCD, UCI
and today UCR. Still waiting for UCSB

^^ and UCSD.

UCSC, UCD, UCR, UCLA, UCSD now I’m waiting on UCI and UCSB

Still waiting on UCSB AND UCI