<p>I used to always try to act stupider because I felt awkward using sophisticated vocabulary and knowing the answer to every question in class. I also started watching tv shows and listening to music I had no interest in because I wanted to be able to join in the conversation. </p>
<p>Now, I'm not a genius by any means. I'm just the average AP student. But this was a major conflict in my life for a long time. I was wondering if any you experienced the same dilemma.</p>
<p>I had to listen to different types of music and sometimes restrain myself from answering every question in class. I have always been fairly secretive of my grades, but people did find out that I did well in school. I don’t try to show off, but seem semi-vague. Like if people ask what I got on a test/paper, I would say a letter grade, not say 100 or something like that. I don’t want to cut back on my knowledge, but not exactly flaunt it.</p>
<p>Today people treat me like I’m some kind of genius, so I end up having lots of friends only when they need homework help, then on the weekends they can treat me like a socially outcast nerd. So I try to dumb myself down by acting average while still doing well, but not genius-level like everyone think’s I’m capable of. I just want to be normal, and not labeled as the smart girl.</p>
<p>Yeah, sometimes. But only in regards that I don’t say “Oh hey, school is awesome and I love taking AP/Honors courses.”</p>
<p>The only concession I make is to let others answer questions if they want to…if no one knows the answer, then I do :D</p>
<p>Yeah, especially in my economics class. That place is ■■■■■■■■. It’s too easy though, I just sleep.</p>
<p>But you shouldn’t have to watch idiot tv shows if you don’t want, I don’t get anything on MTV. Just, understand how awesome family guy is maybe. Or do your friends really only talk about music and tv? I mean, they have to talk about something else.</p>
<p>I don’t regularly use “sophisticated vocublary” whether talking with the people in IB or not. I think me and my friends just act like goofy idiots all that time, the other day at the NHS banquet we had a balloon fight (I won, I’m also an officer in NHS). Also lately we’ve been playing ninja a lot and the other day our class was told to be quite and we were like “whatever~nerds” though we’re the IB class and they’re the regular one?</p>
<p>I try not to brag about intelligence, but at the same time I do not act less intelligent - at times great enjoyment is derived from clever comments made by intelligent people, even among a group that is not used to hearing them</p>
<p>Unfortunately…yes :[ especially this year.</p>
<p>No. My intellect is my weapon against this world, as stupid as that sounds. In a random sample of 100 people, I would not be the most handsome, the most athletic, the most personable, or the most wealthy. I like to think that I would be the most intelligent. Why hide what makes you unique?</p>
<p>Wait, is CC your population for sampling?</p>
<p>Yes I have, and it fails. People around me fail to grasp the simple concepts of certain HS things. So I stopped and said screw HS people.</p>
<p>I never “dumb down” but I often remain silent even if I know the answer to someone’s question.</p>
<p>According to your definition, yes.</p>
<p>But I never considered it “dumbing-down”, rather assimilation.</p>
<p>I add “I am such a nerd” to the end of things I say if I feel like they are, in fact, too nerdy to be uttered in polite conversation without a disclaimer.
A little lighthearted self-deprecation goes a long way!</p>
<p>Nope… if you can’t accept me for the way I am than you’re not worth dumbing myself down for. Easy as that.</p>
<p>I used to do that but now I don’t really care. I just do whatever the hell I want, say whatever I want, wear whatever I want, listen to whatever music I want, read whatever books I want, and I don’t give a crap about trying to fit in. Trying to fit in is so freaking hard. Too hard. Lol especially at my school.</p>
<p>Personally, I think being a nerd is kinda awesome. I’m not saying you should grease up your face and buy the thickest glasses you can, but it’s the people that read Tolstoy in their free time instead of Gossip Girl that you want to be around usually (assuming they aren’t one of those people who carry books around and pretend to be reading them just to seem smart). But yeah, people should just do what they want to do and act as smart as they are. I guess if someone saw me eating lunch, they would think I was some kinda ginormous nerd though because I like sitting crosslegged at this one spot and read, but it’s all good :)</p>
<p>I do not answer questions much during class even when I know the answer. I just do not like being the only one to answer every question in class. I wait to see if anyone knows the answer. If no, then I answer. That is all. I do not use a large vocabulary around some friends in fear that they might see it as arrogance. Sometimes, they slip but my friends just give me a slightly odd look then everything is back to normal :P</p>