did everyone that ordered may qas get it already?

<p>i ordered it but have not gotten it. Have others that ordered it got it yet?</p>

<p>its supposed to take 6-8 weeks but tomorrow is 8 weeks from the test. should i call them or wait more. am i the only one that didnt get it?</p>

<p>yes, i got this past weekend!</p>

<p>I got it last week.</p>

<p>^same here.</p>

<p>can someone link to where i can buy the qas?</p>

<p>here it is</p>

<p>[SAT</a> Question & Answer Service](<a href=β€œCollege Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>SAT Score Verification – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>Do you get the QAS and SAS in printed or electronic from?</p>

<p>i know you get QAS in the mail, so it’s printed.</p>