Did I apply to Pitt too late??

I applied to Pitt school of nursing the first week of december. I have a 2070 SAT and a 3.75 GPA and quite a lof of extra curriculars. I know Pitt’s nursing program is really competetive and it’s completely my fault for not applying sooner. What are my chances of getting in, being that I applied so late?

You should ask on the Pitt board and maybe the Pitt AO would provide some insight!? Good luck!

I don’t know if that is too late, but Pitt does have rolling admissions. The University approves the best candidates for admission very quickly (at least as of a couple years ago).

As a backup, if you really want to attend Pitt, you might apply to a branch campus with a nursing program, if there is one. That might open up a door to easily transfer to the main campus.

My S is still getting emails encouraging him to apply (engineering). I know that nursing is competitive, but as long as you meet the deadline and your application is strong, you should be fine.

Johnstown is one of the branch campuses that does have a nursing program. However, from an AO I talked to, if you’re not admitted to Pittsburgh’s campus directly then you’re not really going to able to transfer as “nursing is pretty much a direct-admit program only”
Just thought I’d pass that along in response to another post
I don’t think it’s too late though. now that your app is in, just wait and see what happens.