Maybe i’m just being over-paranoid again by looking at some ivy league decision threads on college confidential, but I feel like I haven’t done enough all these years outside of school.
I’ve visited the first few meetings of like 12 clubs in freshman year but dropped a ton of them. The ones I really actually had a focus on was Computer Club, BPA, DECA, and Model UN. I served a leadership position in BPA during my first year but not at the moment due to a failed election. I haven’t gotten a job yet, but I am trying to get an internship through a relative that works at Amazon which will probably be over the summer.
The only rewards I won were a few state and regional certificates and medals, and I did earn some ceriport certificates. But I feel like these are nothing compared to what people do to get accepted into the ivy leagues.
My grades and academics were probably fine with straight As, but I mean 50% of the applicants to ivy leagues probably have a 3.9 or higher. My school isn’t really too special either, so I just took the regular load of honors courses (I can start to take APs next year)
I just feel like I haven’t done anything major yet that would recognize me to be admitted into a prestigious college.
I don’t know… should I still try to shoot for the ivy league? I had a lot of great plans for junior and senior year, but I don’t know if i’ll be able to accomplish any of them. If my first couple years seem a little dull, could I go hard for the next couple years and still pose a chance?