Did I get a 'likely' letter?

<p>I got a mail today saying that I appear competitive for admission and that in order to finalize the app process, I should get my Financial affidavit forms in (I'm international). It says they need the forms before I get an offer for admission.</p>

<p>A lot of times in the mail it says 'once the offer of admission has been made'. </p>

<p>Is this a likely letter? I'm pretty excited because VT is my first choice school, but I'm not sure if this means I'm 100% admitted or that I still can get rejected because of my grades..</p>

<p>They also said the look forward to seeing me in August, if that changes anything.</p>

<p>If it quacks like a duck …</p>

<p>Thats how I’d interpret that, but I can’t say for sure.</p>